
Vpliv recirkuliranih izpušnih plinov na zgorevanje visoko oksigeniranih goriv
ID Hribar, Žan (Author), ID Seljak, Tine (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kitanovski, Andrej (Comentor)

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Turbinski motorji so zaradi kontinuiranega načina zgorevanja zelo dobra rešitev za implementacijo dislociranih enot za proizvodnjo toplote in mehanske moči. Kontinuiran način zgorevanja omogoča rabo obnovljivih goriv ter goriv, pridobljenih iz odpadkov z zahtevnimi kemijsko-fizikalnimi lastnostmi. Za uspešno implementacijo turbinskih motorjev je posamezna goriva treba preveriti glede na tehnične omejitve ter njihovo okoljsko ustreznost. S tem namenom smo v diplomskem delu na eksperimentalnem turbinskem motorju opravili analizo izpustov onesnažil z uporabo visoko oksigeniranega goriva (glicerola). Prav tako smo preizkusili možnost zmanjšanja izpustov onesnažil s pomočjo recirkulacije izpušnih plinov. Rezultate smo primerjali s predhodno opravljeno analizo s konvencionalnim dizelskim gorivom. V regeneriranem Joulovem ciklu smo dosegli 8-% ter 13-% stopnjo recirkulacije izpušnih plinov, s čimer smo v obeh primerih, ob ohranjanju koncentracije dušikovih oksidov, uspeli dodatno znižati izpuste ogljikovega monoksida, trdnih delcev ter nezgorelih ogljikovodikov. To nakazuje povečano odpornost oksigeniranih goriv na nastanek trdnih delcev in vmesnih produktov zgorevanja. Za nadaljnje povečevanje deleža recirkuliranih izpušnih plinov smo zasnovali model prenosnika toplote, ki bo služil hlajenju le-teh. Prenosnik toplote bo v nadaljevanju raziskav omogočil izvajanje meritev pri visokih temperaturah ter visokih deležih recirkuliranih izpušnih plinov s sočasnim doseganjem dovolj nizkih temperatur na vstopu v kompresor.

Keywords:eksperimentalni turbinski motor, visoko oksigenirana goriva, recirkulirani izpušni plini, izpusti onesnažil, prenosnik toplote
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Ž. Hribar]
Number of pages:XXII, 65 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-125313 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:64800771 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.03.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of recirculated exhaust gases on the combustion of highly oxygenated fuels
Due to continuous combustion, turbine engines are a very good solution for implementation of dislocated units for production of heat and mechanical power. The continuous combustion enables use of renewable fuels and fuels obtained from waste with demanding chemical and physical properties. For the successful implementation of turbine engines, individual fuels must be checked against technical limitations and their environmental suitability. For this purpose, we performed an analysis of pollutant emissions using highly oxygenated fuel (glycerol). We also tested the possibility of reducing pollutant emissions through exhaust gas recirculation. The results were compared with a previous analysis performed with conventional diesel fuel. In regenerated Joule cycle, we achieved 8 % and 13 % exhaust gas recirculation rates, which in both cases, while maintaining the concentration of nitrogen oxides, we were able to further reduce emissions of carbon monoxide, particulates and unburned hydrocarbons. This indicates an increased resistance of oxygenated fuels to particulates formation and combustion intermediates. To further increase exhaust gas recirculation rates, we designed model of heat exchanger that will be used for cooling recirculated exhaust gases. In future of research, heat exchanger will enable performing of measurements at high temperatures and high exhaust gas recirculation rates, while at the same time achieving sufficiently low temperatures at the inlet to the compressor.

Keywords:experimental turbine engine, highly oxygenated fuels, exhaust gas recirculation, pollutants formation, heat exchanger

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