
Jezik in kultura: primer kulinarike
ID Maksimović, Tatjana (Author), ID Gabrovšek, Dušan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen tega magistrskega dela je analizirati problem prevajanja imen tradicionalnih slovenskih jedi v angleščino. Ker je turizem eden od glavnih virov prihodkov, bi morala biti tradicionalna hrana kot sestavni del kulturne dediščine Slovenije predstavljena na najboljši možen način. Po analizi obstoječih prevodnih metod, postopkov in pristopov k prevajanju so predstavljene najbolj ustrezne rešitve. Poleg tega delo vključuje tudi posebno poglavje z vrstami besedil, v katerih se pojavljajo imena tradicionalnih slovenskih jedi, kot tudi orodja za prevajanje, ki so dostopna v Sloveniji. Rezultati raziskave, v kateri je obdelano trinajst različnih avtentičnih jedi, kažejo, da so prevajalci večinoma nagnjeni k uporabi prevodne dvojice oz. kombinacije dveh različnih prevajalskih postopkov, namreč prenosa in opisa. Uporaba takšnih postopkov pri prevajanju omogoča takojšnjo prepoznavnost jedi kot tudi njeno razumevanje.

Keywords:prevajalski postopki, kulinarična terminologija, kulturno-zaznamovane besede, turizem, slovenske tradicionalne jedi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-125235 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.03.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Language and Culture: The Case of Cookery
The purpose of this MA thesis is to analyze the problem of translating the names for traditional Slovene dishes into English, due to the difference between two cultures. Since tourism is one of the main sources of income, traditional food, which is a part of the cultural heritage of Slovenia, should be presented in the best possible way. Having analyzed the existing translation methods, procedures and approaches, the effort was put into finding the most suitable solutions. Besides, there is a chapter dedicated to the texts where these names are likely to appear, as well as a chapter that presents the translation tools available for work involving Slovene and English. The results of the research, where thirteen different authentic dishes were investigated, show that the translators are mostly inclined to use a translation couplet - a combination of two different types of translation procedures, namely transfer and a descriptive equivalent. Joining these procedures together help with the immediate recognition and understanding of the dish in question.

Keywords:translation procedures, cookery terminology, culture-bound terms, tourism, traditional Slovene dishes

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