
Obravnava otrok z motnjo pozornosti in hiperaktivnosti z vidika delovne terapije : diplomsko delo
ID Rojko, Eva (Author), ID Oven, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Gričar, Nevenka (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Motnja pozornosti in hiperaktivnosti spada v skupino vedenjskih in čustvenih motenj. Najpogostejši simptomi so slaba pozornost, hiperaktivno vedenje, impulzivnost ali slaba organiziranost, kar negativno vpliva na reševanje vsakodnevnih problemov in uravnavanje čustev. Posledično vpliva na slabše socialno-interakcijsko delovanje, izobraževanje in izvajanje okupacij na področju skrbi zase, v prostem času in produktivnosti. Delovni terapevti želijo otroku z motnjo pozornosti in hiperaktivnosti omogočiti samostojno in učinkovito izvajanje dnevnih aktivnosti ter pomagajo pri participaciji v okolje. Za doseganje ciljev obravnave je na voljo več pristopov. Namen: Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti, katere pristope uporabljajo slovenski delovni terapevti pri obravnavi otrok z motnjo pozornosti in hiperaktivnosti, kakšne so prednosti oziroma slabosti uporabljenih pristopov in kateri je najbolj uveljavljen ter najbolj učinkovit. Metode dela: V kvalitativni raziskavi smo izvedli pet intervjujev z delovnimi terapevtkami iz različnih razvojnih ambulant po Sloveniji, ki obravnavajo otroke z motnjo pozornosti in hiperaktivnosti. Rezultati: Delovne terapevtke predstavijo značilnosti obravnave otroka z motnjo pozornosti in hiperaktivnosti od sprejema v ambulanto, opravljenih ocenjevanj, same obravnave in uporabe pripomočkov ter njihove participacije v okolje. Pri obravnavi otrok z motnjo pozornosti in hiperaktivnosti navajajo več pristopov, pri čemer sta najpogosteje uporabljena kognitivno-vedenjski pristop in pristop senzorne integracije. Izbira pristopa je odvisna od trenutnih težav uporabnika in/ali zastavljenih ciljev. Izbiro pogojujejo tudi prednosti določenega pristopa, pri čemer je pomembna možnost prenosa naučenega znanja v domače okolje. Izpostavljajo tudi druge pristope, ki jih v tujini uporabljajo za obravnavo omenjene populacije, težave, s katerimi se pri obravnavi otrok z motnjo pozornosti in hiperaktivnosti soočajo, in predloge izboljšav, med katerimi izstopa potreba po obravnavi staršev. Razprava in zaključek: Za obravnavo otrok z motnjo pozornosti in hiperaktivnosti je najboljša kombinacija različnih pristopov, ki dajejo pozitivne rezultate pri izvajanju dnevnih ali prostočasnih aktivnosti, pri organizaciji aktivnosti in pri participaciji otrok v okolje. Vključevanje staršev in njihova angažiranost za prenos informacij s terapije v domače okolje je bistvenega pomena za uspešno rehabilitacijo.

Keywords:diplomska dela, delovna terapija, pediatrična obravnava, kognitivno-vedenjski pristopi, senzorna integracija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[E. Rojko]
Number of pages:43 str., [2] str. pril
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-125175 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:54151683 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.03.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Occupational therapy intervention for children with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder : diploma work
Introduction: Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder belongs to a group of behavioural and emotional disorders. Most common symptoms include low concentration levels, hyperactive behaviour, impulsiveness and bad organization, which reflects on everyday problem-solving and emotion regulation. Subsequently it worsens social-interactive functioning, education and carrying out occupations, regarding taking care of themselves in free time and productivity. As occupational therapists we work towards enabling independent and efficient daily activities in kids with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, while also helping them engage with the environment around them. There are many different approaches for reaching set goals. Purpose: The goal of this research was finding out which approaches Slovenian occupational therapists most commonly use for dealing with patients suffering of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, what advantages each of them brings and which one proves to be the most established and effective. Methods: During the qualitative research we conducted 5 interviews with occupational therapists from different pediatric clinics from Slovenia. Results: Occupational therapists mentioned and talked about many different approaches while dealing with patients suffering of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, which mostly consist of cognitive-behavioural approach, and sensory integration approach. Choosing which approach to go with depends on patient’s current condition and set goals. Pros and cons play a part in choosing as well, where the knowledge obtained through therapy can be transferred to home environment. They also presented some of the characteristics of dealing with patients from all stages – accepting a patient, evaluation, therapy itself and usage of tools to help with participating in their everyday environment. They mention some other approaches, which are commonly used abroad for treating population with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, problems they face and ideas for improvement, from which parent inclusion strikes as most important. Discussion and conclusion: For therapy of patients with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder the most effective proves to be a combination of different approaches, which give positive results with improving the quality of everyday activities, spare time activities, organising activities and participating in children’s environment. Involving parents and their engagement in transferring progress from therapy to home environment, proves to be crucial for achieving successful rehabilitation.

Keywords:diploma theses, occupational therapy, pediatric intervention, occupational therapy, cognitive-behavioral approaches, sensory integration

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