
Učinkovitost heptafluoropropana pri gašenju požarov z elektro izvorom
ID Bulovec, Tajda (Author), ID Schnabl, Simon (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V praksi se srečujemo z različnimi tipi požarov, ki pa so glede na njihovo naravo najbolje obvladljivi z ustreznimi gasilnimi sredstvi. V magistrskem delu bomo podrobneje predstavili požare z elektro izvorom in delovanje heptafluoropropana kot njihovega mogočega gasila. Heptafluoropropan (FM-200) je bil razvit kot nadomestek halona 1301, ki je zdravju in okolju škodljiv. Primernejša je uporaba gasil, ki vsebujejo heptafluoropropan, saj ta ne povzroča škode okolju, ljudem in niti opremi, ki jo s takim gasilom gasimo. Požari z elektro izvorom se lahko pojavijo v vseh okoljih oz. prostorih, kjer so prisotne elektro naprave in inštalacije, tj. v elektro omaricah, električni napeljavi, računalniških ter drugih električnih napravah. Prednost magistrskega dela bodo požari z elektro izvorom v manjših prostorih. Pregled in analiza literature kaže, da je najpriročnejši in najhitrejši način gašenja takih požarov s predhodno nameščenimi cevkami s heptafluoropropanom (FM-200) nad potencialnim izvorom požara. Te se ob stiku z ognjem ali če temperatura v prostoru preseže 120 °C, zmehčajo, sprožijo in nemudoma pogasijo požar. Zaradi učinka dušenja in hlajenja se temperatura v okolici zniža. Učinkovitost delovanja cevk s heptafluoropropanom smo preizkusili v eksperimentalnem delu, v katerem nas je zanimala temperatura proženja cevk s heptafluoropropanom in čas, potreben za pogasitev požara, ter padec temperature po proženju. Z večkratno simulacijo požara v eksperimentalni komori smo ugotovili, da se cevke s heptafluoropropanom, ki morajo biti praviloma nameščene nad potencialni vir gorenja, v povprečju sprožijo pri temperaturi 131,1 °C (rezultat termočlena 1) in 181 °C (rezultat termočlena 2). Od začetka segrevanja prostora (testne komore) do aktivacije cevke s FM-200 je v povprečju preteklo 42,3 sekunde. Cevke s heptafluoropropanom so ob sprožitvi nemudoma pogasile vir gorenja, kar potrjuje navedbe proizvajalca, da je čas, potreben za pogasitev požara, krajši od 10 sekund. Gašenje s cevkami s heptafluoropropanom je potekalo po načelu dušenja in hlajenja. S poskusi smo potrdili učinkovitost heptafluoropropana pri gašenju požarov v manjšem prostoru, npr. v elektro omarici.

Keywords:požari z elektro izvorom, kratki stik, oblok, pregrevanje, gašenje, heptafluoropropan, FM-200
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-125110 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:53972739 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.03.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The Efficiency of Heptafluoropropane in Extinguishing Fires with an Electrical Origin
In practice, we encounter different fires, which are, depending on their nature, the most manageable fire extinguishers compatible with it. In the master's thesis, we will present in detail the fires with an electrical source and functioning of Heptafluoropropane as a possible extinguisher. Heptafluoropropane (FM-200) was developed as a substitute for Halon 1301, which is harmful to health and the environment. It is more appropriate to use fire extinguishers containing Heptafluoropropane, as it is not harmful to the environment, people, or the equipment that is extinguished with this type of fire extinguishers. Fires with electrical origin can occur in all environments or premises where electrical devices and installations are present, i.e., electrical cabinets, electrical wiring, computer, and other electrical devices. The priority of the master's thesis are fires with an electrical source in smaller rooms. A review and analysis of the literature show that the most convenient and the fastest way to extinguish such fires is with the pre-installed Heptafluoropropane (FM-200) tubes above the fire's potential source. When in contact with fire, or when the temperature exceeds 120 °C, Heptafluoropropane tubes are softened, triggered, and immediately extinguish the fire. Due to the cooling effect, the ambient temperature decreases. The efficiency of Heptafluoropropane tubes was tested in the experimental part. We were interested in the trigger temperature of Heptafluoropropane tubes, the time required to extinguish the fire, and the temperature drop after triggering. By repeatedly simulating a fire in the experimental chamber, we found that Heptafluoropropane tubes, which should typically be placed above a potential combustion source, are on average triggered at a temperature of 131,1 °C (the result of thermocouple 1) and 181 ° C (the result of thermocouple 2). On average, 42.3 seconds elapsed between the start of space heating (test chamber) and the activation of the FM-200 tube. Heptafluoropropane tubes extinguished the combustion source immediately upon initiation, confirming the manufacturer's statement that the time required to extinguish the fire was less than 10 seconds. The fire was extinguished with Heptafluoropropane tubes according to the principle of quenching and cooling. Experiments have confirmed the effectiveness of Heptafluoropropane in extinguishing fires in a small space, e.g., electrical cabinets.

Keywords:fires with an electrical origin, short circuit, arc, overheating, extinguishing, Heptafluoropropane, FM-200

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