
Alternativna metoda določanja vsebnosti prostega formaldehida : diplomsko delo (visokošolski strokovni študij)
ID Štaleker, Andrej (Author), ID Medved, Sergej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Oblak, Leon (Reviewer)

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MD5: 031484B414FB44789AE82A226190850B
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/586b7686-3423-4388-86b0-fd0a52d8252e

Količina prostega formaldehida v lesnih tvorivih se je z leti močno zniževala. Danes uveljavljene in standardizirane metode za določanje prostega formaldehida so zlasti prirejene ivernim ploščam. Obravnavali smo problem merjenja sproščanja prostega formaldehida, ki se pojavi v industriji ivernih plošč. Opisani sta 2 standardizirani metodi (perforator in steklenična metoda) za merjenje prostega formaldehida, ki se sprošča iz surovih ivernih plošč tipa P2. Med prostim formaldehidom, izmerjenim s tema 2 metodama, smo našli dokaj dobro korelacijo s Pearsonovim koeficientom R2 = 0,81. Oba postopka za merjenje vsebnosti prostega formaldehida smo na koncu primerjali še z ekonomske plati in ugotovili, da je steklenična metoda cenejša in zahteva manj dragih aparatur, manj zapletenega dela ter je časovno krajša v primerjavi s perforator metodo.

Keywords:prosti formaldehid, iverna plošča, perforator metoda, steklenična metoda, emisije
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Štaleker]
Number of pages:X, 35 f., [4 f. pril.]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-125 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1415305 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

Title:Alternative method for determination of free formaldehyde contents : graduation thesis (higher professional studies)
In the last years free formaldehyde quantity in wooden materials has immensely decreased. Nowadays established and standardized procedures for determining the free formaldehyde quantity are above all adjusted to the demands of the particleboards. The problem of measuring free formaldehyde release, representing a vital part of the particleboard industry, was researched. 2 standarized procedures of free formaldehyde measuring in raw particleboards of type P2 were described (perforator and flask procedure). A quite favourable correlation with Pearson`s coefficient R2 = 0.81 was obtained between the 2. Both procedures for measuring the free formaldehyde presence were contrasted also from the economic point of view. The comparison shows that the flask method is much cheaper and requires less time-consuming and complicated work. It also demands far less apparatures compared to the perforator method.

Keywords:free formaldehyde, particleboard, perforator method, flask method, emmisions

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