
Predlog postopka čiščenja odpadne vode papirne in tekstilne industrije za doseganje zakonskih kriterijev za izpuste v kanalizacijo
ID Sečnik, Sara (Author), ID Krzyk, Mario (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Čehovin, Matej (Comentor)

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Industrijska odpadna voda večinoma po sestavi ni podobna komunalni odpadni vodi. Za doseganje kakovosti, ki je določena z Uredbo o emisiji snovi in toplote pri odvajanju odpadnih voda v vode in javno kanalizacijo, z Uredbo za dotično industrijsko panogo ter z Okoljevarstvenim dovoljenjem, je potrebno industrijsko odpadno vodo predhodno očistiti do primerne kakovosti za izpust v javni kanalizacijski sistem. V magistrski nalogi sem na konkretnem primeru papirne in tekstilne industrije določila karakteristike odpadne vode, pregledala zakonodajne omejitve in na podlagi rezultatov predlagala ustrezne tehnološke ukrepe za zagotovitev ustrezne kakovosti za izpust v javno kanalizacijo. Za odpadno vodo iz papirne industrije sem zaradi presežene mejne vrednosti KPK in obarvanosti predlagala uporabo membranskega bioreaktorja z naknadno oksidacijo z ozonom. Odpadna voda iz tekstilne industrije je vsebovala previsoko koncentracijo neraztopljenih snovi in anionskih ter neionskih tenzidov, pH vrednost odpadne vode je bila prenizka. Predlagan postopek čiščenja odpadne vode je zato vseboval koagulacijo z Al2O3 in nadaljnje usedanje v lamelnem usedalniku. Zvišanje pH vrednosti je bilo doseženo z dodajanjem 30% NaOH, koncentracija tenzidov pa se je znižala z adsorpcijo na aktivno oglje. Naredila sem tudi ekonomsko analizo predlaganih ukrepov in jih primerjala za alternativno možnostjo odvoza odpadne vode na čiščenje na centralno čistilno napravo.

Keywords:Čiščenje odpadne vode, papirna industrija, tekstilna industrija, MBR, ozonacija, koagulacija, lamelni usedalnik, aktivno oglje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124992 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.02.2021
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Title:The proposal of a paper and textile industry wastewater treatment to ensure the implementation of legislative restrictions for sewage discharge
Industrial wastewater is generally not similar to municipal wastewater when it comes to its structure. To ensure the quality, which is determined by the Decree on the emission of substances and heat when discharging waste water into waters and the public sewage system (Official Gazette RS, No 64/12, 64/14 and 98/15), the regulation for the relevant industry and Environmental permit, industrial wastewater needs to achieve an appropriate purity level before it can be released into public sewage or surface waters. In the master thesis I, using a concrete example from the paper and textile industry, determined the characteristics of wastewater, examined the legislative restrictions and, based on the results, proposed applicable technological treatment to ensure sufficient quality for the release into public sewage. Due to the exceeded level of COD and coloration in the paper industry wastewater, I proposed treatment with MBR technology with subsequent oxidation using ozone. Textile industry wastewater contained excessive concentration of suspended solids, anionic and non-ionic surfactants as well as an insufficient pH level, which is why I suggested coagulation treatment with Al2O3 and sedimentation in the lamellar sedimentation tank. PH levels were increased by adding 30% NaOH, while the concentration of anionic and non-ionic surfactants decreased with the adsorption on active carbon. In addition to that, I performed an economic analysis of the proposed measures and compared them with an alternative possibility of wastewater’s transit to a central purification plant in order to execute the treatment process.

Keywords:Wastewater treatment, paper industry, textile industry, MBR, coagulation, lamella settler, active carbon

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