
Spoznavanje slepote in slabovidnosti preko dejavnosti v skupini otrok v rednem oddelku vrtca
ID Šemrl, Tina (Author), ID Prosen, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6603/ This link opens in a new window

V diplomskem delu sem se osredotočila na slepoto in slabovidnost ter oblikovanje in razvijanje sprejemanja drugačnosti slepih in slabovidnih oseb pri vrtčevskih otrocih. Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz dveh delov, in sicer iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V prvem sem najprej predstavila slepe in slabovidne in opisala razvoj slepega in slabovidnega otroka na različnih področjih. Sledil je opis nalog vzgojitelja pri delu s slepimi in slabovidnimi otroki ter prilagoditve zanje, opis pomagal, ki jih slepe in slabovidne osebe uporabljajo pri gibanju in drugih življenjskih aktivnostih, nazadnje pa sem predstavila še pomembnost vzgojiteljevega ustreznega odnosa do drugačnosti ter dejavnosti, s katerimi lahko pri otrocih ta odnos oblikuje in razvija. V empiričnem delu sem predstavila rezultate svoje raziskave, v okviru katere sem izvedla polstrukturirane intervjuje s trinajstimi otroki v vrtcu in njihovima vzgojiteljico in pomočnikom vzgojiteljice. Zanimalo me je, ali in kako se je spremenil otrokov pogled na drugačnost (slepoto in slabovidnost) od časa pred s slepoto povezanimi dejavnostmi do časa po izvedbi teh dejavnosti, katera nova znanja o drugačnosti – slepoti – so otroci pridobili skozi te dejavnosti, katera nova znanja so otroci preko dejavnosti pridobili po mnenju vzgojiteljice in pomočnika vzgojiteljice ter kakšen pomen imajo te dejavnosti po njunem mnenju za otroke. Ugotovila sem, da so otroci po izvedenih dejavnostih v večji meri drugačnost prepoznali pri slepih in slabovidnih osebah. Nekateri otroci so ob srečanjih s slepimi osebami poročali o doživljanju neprijetnih čustev, občutkov, tako pred izvedenimi dejavnostmi kot po njih. Zato bi bilo to področje potrebno nadgrajevati. Do precejšne spremembe je preko dejavnosti prišlo pri odgovoru na vprašanje o pristopu otrok k drugačni osebi. Otroci so preko izvajanja s slepoto povezanih dejavnosti spoznali močnejša in šibkejša področja slepih in slabovidnih oseb ter pripomočke, ki so tem osebam v pomoč pri vsakodnevnih opravilih. Po mnenju vzgojiteljice in pomočnika vzgojiteljice so otroci pridobili znanje o tem, kako svet občutijo slepe in slabovidne osebe, spoznali so njihove pripomočke ter razvijali empatijo. Po mnenju vzgojiteljice in pomočnika vzgojiteljice izvedene dejavnosti pripomorejo k oblikovanju odnosa do drugačnosti ter njenega sprejemanj pri otrocih.

Keywords:slepi in slabovidni otroci
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124963 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:51591683 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.03.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Discovernig blindness and partial sight through activities in a group of children in the regular department of kindergarten
In my diploma thesis, I focused on blindness and visual impairment, centring on the development and evolvement of the acceptance of the differences of blind and partially sighted children in kindergarten. The diploma thesis consists of two parts, namely theoretical and empirical part. In the theoretical part, I first introduced the blind and visually impaired children and then described the development of a blind and visually impaired child in different areas. This was followed by a description of the kindergarten teacher's tasks in working with blind and partially sighted children and adaptations for them, a description of the aids that blind and partially sighted people use in movement and other life activities, and finally the importance of the teacher's attitude to diversity and activities that foster the relationship between the teacher and the child. In the empirical part, I presented the results of my research, in which I conducted semi-structured interviews with thirteen kindergarten children, their two teachers and teacher assistants. I was interested in whether and how the child's view of diversity (blindness and partial sight) changed from the time before the blindness-related activities to the time after these activities were implemented. I was focused on what new knowledge about diversity – the blindness - did the children gain through these activities. What new knowledge do the kindergarten teacher and their assistants think the children acquired through the activities and what significance these activities have for the children in their opinion. I discovered that the children did recognize the difference in blind and partially sighted people to a greater extent after the activities performed. Some children reported experiencing unpleasant emotions and feelings when meeting blind people: both before and after the activities. The result shows this area should be improved. There has been a significant change through activities in question of children’s approach to another person. Through blindness related activities, the children learned about the stronger and weaker areas of blind and partially sighted people and became familiar with the aids that help these people in their daily tasks. According to the kindergarten teacher and the assistant teacher, the children gained knowledge about how blind and partially sighted people feel about the world, learned about their aids and developed empathy. In their opinion, the activities that were carried out help to form an attitude towards diversity and its acceptance by children.

Keywords:blind and visually impaired

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