
Naklonjenost staršev odraslih oseb z zmernimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju do zaposlovanja v običajnem delovnem okolju
ID Ravnik, Klara (Author), ID Žgur, Erna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Osebe z zmernimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju (ZMDR) se v odrasli dobi soočajo z enakimi potrebami in željami kot sleherni odrasli človek – želijo si povečati samostojnost, se osamosvojiti od staršev, najti svoje mesto v družbi, se zaposliti in raziskovati lastno vrednost. Starši igrajo pomembno vlogo pri sprejemanju odločitev za svoje sinove in hčere z ZMDR tudi v odraslosti. Zakonodaja se počasi premika v prid zaposlovanju osebam z ZMDR, pri čemer sta najpomembnejša Zakon o socialnem vključevanju invalidov, ki ob morebitni zaposlitvi in izgubi delovnega mesta osebe z ZMDR predvideva ponovno izplačilo nadomestila za invalidnost v polnem znesku, ter Družinski zakonik, ki odpravlja odvzem poslovne sposobnosti in podaljšanje roditeljskih pravic čez polnoletnost. Kljub temu in pričujočim pozitivnim vidikom podpornega zaposlovanja za osebe z ZMDR ostaja prevladujoča oblika zaposlovanja zaposlitev pod posebnimi pogoji. V empiričnem delu nas je zanimalo, v kolikšni meri starši odraslih oseb z ZMDR poznajo zaposlitvene možnosti svojih otrok in zakonodaje s področja zaposlovanja oseb z ZMDR ter kako naklonjeni so starši odraslih oseb z ZMDR zaposlitvi svojih odraslih otrok v običajnem delovnem okolju. Opravili smo 8 polstrukturiranih intervjujev s starši iz Gorenjske in Osrednjeslovenske regije, katerih odrasli otroci so vključeni v zaposlitev pod posebnimi pogoji. Raziskava je pokazala, da intervjuvanci v pretežni meri slabo poznavajo zakonodajno področje in različne oblike zaposlovanja oseb z ZMDR. Ugotovili smo, da starši v večini primerov zaposlitve v običajnem delovnem okolju ne vidijo kot boljše možnosti v primerjavi z zaposlitvijo pod posebnimi pogoji. V slednji vidijo varnost, stabilnost, delovno in dnevno rutino ter najpomembnejše, možnost socialne vključenosti njihovih odraslih otrok. Nasprotno, zaposlitev v običajnem delovnem okolju, četudi izpostavljajo zmožnosti njihovih sinov in hčera, povezujejo predvsem s pomisleki. To so nesprejemanje oseb z ZMDR s strani zaposlenih, slab vpliv družbe, dobiček kot prioriteta delodajalca, neprilagojena hitrost dela in strah pred neuspehom. Starši kot nujno za uspeh v morebitni zaposlitvi v običajnem delovnem okolju vidijo prilagoditve na delovnem mestu – skrajšan delovni čas, strukturiranost nalog, vnovične ponovitve, prilagojena hitrost dela ter mentorja na delovnem mestu.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124919 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:44696579 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.03.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Attitudes of parents of adults with moderate intellectual disabilities towards employment in the traditional labor market
People with moderate intellectual disabilities (MID) have the same needs and desires in their adulthood as every other people – they want to have independent living, find their spot within society, find employment and identify their value. Parents have a crucial role in decision making for their children with (MID) also in their adulthood. National legislation is slowly improving in favour of employing people with moderate intellectual disabilities. The most important Acts are: Social Inclusion of Disabled Persons Act, which foresees reintroduction of full disability compensation for adults with MID in case of their employment and job loss, and Family Code, which regulates the removal of legal capacity and extensions of parental rights beyond the age of majority. Despite these regulations and positive effects of supported employment for people with moderate intellectual disabilities, the prevalent form of employment remains employment under special conditions. Empirical research investigates to what extend are the parents of individuals with MID familiar with the employment possibilities for their grown-up children and with the legal Acts regulating the employment of people with MID and how keen are the parents of grown-up children with MID on their competitive employment. The researcher conducted eight semi-structured interviews with parents from the Gorenjska region and from Central Slovenia whose grown-up children are employed under special conditions. The research has shown that the interviewees have mostly limited knowledge about the legislation in this field or about the types of employment for people with MID. The research reveals that in most cases, parents do not consider the competitive employment as better option in comparison to the employment under special conditions. The latter is regarded as the one offering more security, stability, work and daily routine and what is the most important, the possibility for social inclusion of their grown-up children. In the contrary, the competitive employment is associated mostly with hesitations even though the parents point out many capabilities of their children. Their hesitations are related to the acceptance and inclusion of people with MID by other employees, bad influence of society, the profit as employer’s priority, unadjusted working speed and fear of failure. The parents express that the key to successful competitive employment would be adapted working conditions such as short-time work, structured tasks, repetitions, adjusted working speed and the presence of job-coach.


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