
Polarizacija svetlobe in barve brez barvil
ID Nadvešnik, Anja (Author), ID Čepič, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V teoretičnem delu magistrske naloge smo opisali zaznavanje barv, polarizacijo svetlobe in vplive nanjo. Spoznali smo optično anizotropne snovi in njihove lastnosti, kako se svetloba v anizotropnih snoveh širi, glavne lastnosti dvolomnih snovi in kako vplivajo na širjenje svetlobe ter opredelitev fizikalne komplementarnosti barv. Če optično anizotropne snovi opazujemo med prekrižanima ali vzporednima polarizatorjema, opazimo barve, čeprav ne vsebujejo barvil. Fizikalna razlaga je prezahtevna za učence, poskusi, s katerimi učenci raziskujejo zakonitosti, pa so enostavni. Predlagali smo aktivnost, pri katerih učenci s pomočjo delovnega lista raziskujejo te zakonitosti. Sestavili smo eksperimente za ilustracijo prehoda svetlobe skozi anizotropni vzorec (različni predmeti: lepilni trak, celofan, prosojnice, prozorne plastične snovi itd.) med prekrižanima in vzporednima polarizatorjema ter demonstracijo nastanka barv z lepilnim trakom med dvema prekrižanima in vzporednima polarizatorjema. Predstavili smo potek aktivnosti, ki je bila izvedena na planinskem taboru v Završnici z manjšo skupino osnovnošolcev. V zadnjem delu magistrske naloge smo ocenili in pokomentirali izvedeno aktivnost ter podali nasvete, ki bi učiteljem prišli v pomoč pri izvajanju poskusov. Priloženi so delovni list, kratek vprašalnik za učence o mnenju o izvedenih aktivnostih in vprašalnik, ki preverja, kaj so si učenci od aktivnosti zapomnili.

Keywords:optična anizotropnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124915 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:44664067 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.03.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Polarisation of light and colours without the dye
The theoretical part of the present master's thesis analyses colour perception as well as a polarisation of light and different influences on. Also, optically anisotropic materials and their characteristics, the nature of light propagation in an anisotropic material, the main features of birefringent materials, their influence on the propagation of light and the concept of complementary colours in physics are presented in the thesis. Although some materials do not contain pigment, different colours can be seen, if we observe optically them through crossed or parallel polarisers. Despite the fact that a scientific explanation is too demanding for elementary-school children, experiments which allow students to explore the natural laws that lead to the colour of material are fairly simple. Activities that help the students to explore these natural laws with the help of a worksheet are given in the second part of the master’s thesis. The activities are experiments that illustrate the transition of light through an anisotropic sample (samples made out of different materials) situated between crossed and parallel polarisers. A demonstration of the derivation of colour with tape and two crossed and parallel polarisers is presented as well. A pilot evaluation of the activities was conducted with a small group of elementary-school children and is described in the thesis. The final part of the thesis evaluates and comments the presented activities and gives advice to teachers conducting the experiments. Worksheets, a short questionnaire concerning the students’ opinion about the activities and a test evaluating the knowledge gained by students through the activities are enclosed at the end of the thesis.

Keywords:optical anisotropy

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