
Država Slovenija in njena osamosvojitev kot učni vsebini v 5. razredu osnovne šole
ID Butala, Jana (Author), ID Kerec, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6550/ This link opens in a new window

V magistrskem delu smo obravnavali razvoj slovenske narodne zavesti od njenih začetkov v srednjem veku do procesa osamosvojitve leta 1991. Izpostavili smo bistvena zgodovinska obdobja in dogodke, ki so zaznamovali razvoj narodne zavesti Slovencev. Nadaljevali smo s predstavitvijo 80. let 20. stoletja, ki je pomembno obdobje v zgodovini slovenskega naroda, saj so se v tistem času med Slovenci prvič pojavile resnejše politične rešitve narodnega vprašanja. Civilno gibanje, ki se je oblikovalo v tem obdobju, je postavilo temelje procesu osamosvojitve Slovenije, ki smo ga predstavili v naslednjem poglavju. Nato smo se osredinili še na državljansko in domovinsko vzgojo, njuno povezanost z zgodovino in njun vpliv na ohranjanje demokracije v svetu. Raziskali smo vključenost vsebin v Učni načrt za družbo v 5. razredu in predstavili ter analizirali različne vire, gradiva ter ponudbo muzejev. V empiričnem delu smo izvedli anketo z učitelji 5. razreda, s katero smo želeli opozoriti na težave pri obravnavanju vsebine v 5. razredu ter ostalim učiteljem ponuditi čim več primerov dobre prakse, s katerimi lahko temo približajo učencem in jo naredijo bolj razumljivo. Z anketo smo želeli preveriti še, ali in na kakšen način učitelji pri pouku vzgajajo za medkulturnost, ki je vzporedno z državljanskimi vsebinami bistvenega pomena v današnjem pluralnem svetu. Izvedli smo še anketo za učence 5. razreda, s katero smo preverili znanje petošolcev o osamosvojitvi Slovenije, državnih simbolih in nekaterih pojmih, povezanih s to temo. V magistrskemu delu so predstavljeni in interpretirani rezultati obeh anket.

Keywords:slovenska narodna zavest
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124910 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:44191491 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.03.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The Republic of Slovenia and its gained independence as educational contents in the fifth grade of primary school
In the master's thesis we dealt with the development of Slovene national consciousness from its beginnings in the Middle Ages to the process of independence in 1991. We highlighted important historical periods and events that marked the development of Slovene national consciousness. We continued with the presentation of the 1980s, which is an important period in the history of the Slovene nation, as at that time more serious political solutions to the national question appeared among Slovenes for the first time. The civil movement that took shape in this period laid the foundations for the process of Slovenia's independence, which we present in the next chapter. We then focused on civic and patriotic education, their connection to history, and their impact on maintaining democracy in the world. We researched the inclusion of content in the Curriculum for Society in 5th grade and presented and analyzed various sources, materials and the museum offer. In the empirical part, we conducted a survey with 5th grade teachers, with which we wanted to draw attention to the difficulties in dealing with 5th grade content and offer other teachers as many examples of good practice as possible to bring the topic closer to students and make it more understandable. With the survey, we also wanted to check whether and in what way teachers educate for interculturality, which, in parallel with civic content, is essential in today's plural world. We also conducted a survey for 5th grade students, which tested the knowledge of fifth-graders about Slovenia's independence, national symbols and some concepts related to this topic. The results of both surveys are presented and interpreted in the master's thesis.

Keywords:Slovenian national consciousness

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