
Mlada Karitas v Sloveniji : magistrsko delo
ID Lampreht, Simon (Author), ID Šegula, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo ovrednoti termin karitas kot vez ljubezni med Bogom in ljudmi na eni ter medsebojno ljubezen in solidarnost med ljudmi na drugi strani. Magistrsko delo, v katerem avtor z uporabo različnih metodoloških pristopov v štirih poglavjih predstavi Mlado Karitas in njeno delovanje, je prvo raziskovalno delo o področju dela z mladimi v okviru Karitasa. V prvem poglavju tako najprej predstavi nekatere svetopisemske odlomke in cerkvene dokumente, ki govorijo o karitativnem delovanju, zatem pa obravnava nastanek in zgodovino Slovenske karitas, ki predstavlja temelj za delo Mlade karitas. V drugem, najobširnejšem poglavju izpostavi nekatere cerkvene dokumente, ki zadevajo mlade in njihovo skrb za sočloveka, ter predstavi programe Mlade karitas in njeno mednarodno sodelovanja znotraj mreže Young Caritas. Pri tem pokaže tudi na težave, s katerimi se pri delovanju organizacija srečuje in poudari izzive za povezovanje mladih pod okriljem Mlade karitas. Z odpiranjem nekaterih vprašanj avtor bralca vabi k iskanju rešitev za delovanje Mlade karitas. V tretjem poglavju avtor razmišlja o vlogi medijev in možnosti promocije Mlade karitas v tem kontekstu. V zadnjem delu vrednoti celotno nalogo ter poda nekaj konkretnih predlogov za nadaljnje delovanje Mlade karitas. Temeljni poudarek, ki ga avtor postavlja, je nov pogled na mlade, ki so kljub svoji pripravljenosti za pomoč spregledani in iskanje prostora za mlade v družbi, da bi se razvili v zrele osebnosti in tako sooblikovali družbo samo.

Keywords:mladi, prostovoljstvo, solidarnost, Mlada karitas, medgeneracijsko sodelovanje, aktivnosti, omrežja, povezanost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Lampreht]
Number of pages:VI, 86, II str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124901 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:56884483 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.02.2021
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Title:Young Caritas in Slovenia
The master thesis defines the term caritas as the bond of love between God and humans on one hand and mutual love and solidarity among humans on the other hand. The master thesis, which consists of four chapters, in which the author uses different methods of approach in order to introduce Young Caritas and its activities, is the first research which explores the area of work with young people within Caritas. In the first chapter he introduces some biblical excerpts and church documents which refer to charitable activities and then he describes the formation and the history of Caritas Slovenia which represents the foundation for the work of Young Caritas. In the second, most extensive chapter the autor exposes some church documents which regard the youth and their concern for fellow humans and introduces the programmes of Young Caritas and its international cooperation within the Young Caritas network. At the same time he discusses the problems which the organisation is faced with while carrying out its activities and exposes the challenges of making connections among the youth within Young Caritas. With the opening of some questions the author invites the reader to search for solutions regarding the activities of Young Caritas. In the third chapter the author ponders on the role of the media and the possibilities of promotion of Young Caritas in this context. In the last part he evaluates the whole thesis and offers some practical suggestions for the further work of Young Caritas. The author puts the main emphasis on the new perspective on young people who are overlooked, in spite of their willingness to help, and on the search of the place for the youth within the society, so that they could develop into mature personalities and thus cocreate the society they live in.

Keywords:youth, volunteering, solidarity, Young Caritas, intergenerational cooperation, activities, networks, connectedness.

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