
Učinki hlajenja celega telesa po vadbi pri odraslih - pregled literature : diplomsko delo
ID Žaberl, Nastja (Author), ID Jakovljević, Miroljub (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Weber, Daša (Comentor), ID Vauhnik, Renata (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Hlajenje se uporablja v fizioterapiji, z namenom zmanjšanja vnetja, otekline, bolečine, spastičnosti, ipd. Ima vpliv na zniževanje temperature na površini, njeni učinki pa so vidni tudi v globlje ležečih tkivih na področju aplikacije. Poznamo več vrst hlajenja. Ena izmed njih pa je tudi hlajenje celega telesa. Princip delovanja te tehnike je izpostavljenost celega telesa izredno hladnemu plinu v za to namenjenih komorah, ki vzdržujejo konstantno temperaturo, kar dosežejo z računalniškim vodenjem, ki v komoro dovaja tekoči dušik. Temperature lahko dosežejo tudi do -190°C, namen tega postopka pa je spodbujanje okrevanja po poškodbah mišic in pospeševanje regeneracije organizma. Rezultati raziskav kažejo, da se po hlajenju celega telesa zmanjša bolečina, zniža se mišična napetost, sočasno pa se poveča mišična zmogljivost, zato je vadba lažja. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil na podlagi pregleda znanstvene literature predstaviti učinke hlajenja celega telesa pri odraslih po telesni aktivnosti. Metode dela: Pri izdelavi diplomskega dela je bila uporabljena deskriptivna ali opisna metoda. Literaturo smo iskali v podatkovni zbirki PubMed, preko oddaljenega dostopa. Raziskave so bile opravljene med 2011 in 2019 letom. Ključne besede, ki so bile uporabljene,so; hlajenje celega telesa, hlajenje in fizioterapija, regeneracija po vadbi. V pregled literature so bile vključene raziskave, ki so bile napisane v angleškem jeziku in so ustrezale vključitvenim kriterijem. Rezultati: Po pregledu vključitvenih in izključitvenih kriterijev je bilo v pregled literature vključenih sedem raziskav, v katerih so preverjali različne učinke hlajenja celega telesa. Avtorji so v različnih časovnih obdobjih z različnimi parametri ocenjevali bolečino mišic, počutje, utrujenost, mišično zmogljivost ter kakovost spanja. Razprava in zaključek: V petih raziskavah je hlajenje celega telesa vplivalo na manjšo bolečino v mišicah in nižje vrednosti vnetnih parametrov ter boljši spanec po telesni dejavnosti. Parametri terapij so se med raziskavami razlikovali, najbolj je izstopala ena od raziskav, kjer so izbrali drugačne parametre (3 min pri -40°C), vendar vseeno potrdili pozitivne učinke hlajenja celega telesa. Kaže, da je hlajenje celega telesa vplivalo na bolečino v mišicah in regeneracijo telesa po vadbi, vendar zaradi premajhnega števila preiskovancev in prekratkega časa spremljanja učinkov terapije ne moremo z gotovostjo potrditi rezultatov. Zato bi bilo potrebno v prihodnje narediti raziskavo, ki bi zajela večje število preiskovancev in trajala daljše časovno obdobje. Prav tako bi bilo potrebno določiti točne parametre za uporabo le te in raziskati negativne učinke, do katerih lahko pride v času terapije. Ključne besede: hlajenje celega telesa, vadba, hlajenje, fizioterapija, regeneracija po vadbi.

Keywords:diplomska dela, fizioterapija, hlajenje celega telesa, vadba, hlajenje, fizioterapija, regeneracija po vadbi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Žaberl]
Number of pages:22 str., [6] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124898 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:53068035 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.02.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Effects of whole body cryotherapy after exercise in adults – literature review : diploma work
Introduction: Cryotherapy is used in physiotherapy to reduce inflammation, swelling, pain, spasticity, etc. It has an impact on the lowering of the surface temperature, and its effects are visible in the deep-lying tissues in the application area as well. There are several types of cryotherapy known, and one of them is whole body cryotherapy. The main principle of this technique is exposure of the whole body to extremely cold gas in specifically designed chambers that maintain a constant temperature. The latter is achieved by computer control that supplies liquid nitrogen to the chambers. The temperature can reach up to -190°C, and the cryotherapy’s purpose is to promote recovery from muscle injuries and accelerate the recovery of the body. Research results show that after whole body cryotherapy, the pain is reduced, muscle tension diminished and, simultaneously, the muscle capacity increased, which is why performing the exercise is easier after it. Purpose: The main objective of the diploma was to present the effects of cryotherapy in adults after physical exercise, based on the review of scientific literature. Methods: The descriptive research method was used in the preparation of the diploma thesis. Literature was gathered from the PubMed database, via remote access. The research was conducted between 2011 and 2019. The keywords used are whole body cryotherapy, cryotherapy and physiotherapy, and recovery after training. The literature review includes research written in English that met the inclusion criteria. Results: After revising the inclusion and exclusion criteria, seven studies were included in the literature review, in which different effects of whole body cryotherapy were examined. The authors assessed muscle pain, well-being, fatigue, muscle performance and sleep quality, using various parameters at different times. Discussion and conclusion: In five studies, whole body cryotherapy resulted in less muscle pain and lower values of inflammatory markers. It also resulted in better sleep after physical activity, in comparison to the control group. The therapies' parameters differed between studies, the most prominent of them being the one with the selection of different parameters (3 min at -40°C). Nevertheless, the positive effects of whole body cryotherapy were confirmed. Whole body cryotherapy appears to have affected muscle pain and body recovery after training, but due to the insufficient number of research subjects and the short time to monitor the effects of therapy, the results cannot be confirmed with certainty. Therefore, it would be necessary to do a study that would include a larger number of research subjects and last for a longer period of time. It would likewise be necessary to determine the exact parameters for its use, and to investigate the negative effects that may occur during therapy.

Keywords:diploma theses, aphysiotherapy, Whole body cryotherapy, training, cryotherapy, physiotheraphy, recovery after training

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