
Ponovljivost in zanesljivost meritev aktivnega obsega gibljivosti v kolenskem sklepu z digitalnim goniometrom : diplomsko delo
ID Narić, Dragan (Author), ID Jakovljević, Miroljub (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Vauhnik, Renata (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Merjenje je bistven del vseh empiričnih družboslovnih in naravoslovnih znanosti. Vsaka stvar, ki obstaja je v določeni količini. Goniometrija je najbolj pogosto uporabljena tehnika za merjenje sklepne gibljivosti. Obseg gibljivosti sklepa se meri za odkrivanje omejitev v sklepni gibljivosti in za oceno pacientovega napredka v rehabilitaciji. Ker se meritve opravijo večkrat in pogosto pri različnih fizioterapevtih, je zato pomembna zanesljivost preiskovalca in inštrumenta. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti ponovljivost in zanesljivost meritev aktivnega obsega gibljivosti v kolenskem sklepu z digitalnim goniometrom z enim krakom. Metode dela: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 40 preiskovancev (21 žensk in 19 moških), povprečno starih 21,7 (1,1) let. Moški so bili v povprečju pomembno višji, težji z višjim indeksom telesne mase. Meritve so bile opravljene v dveh sejah z razmikom 48 ur. V vsaki seji so bile opravljene tri zaporedne meritve obsega gibljivosti ekstenzije in fleksije. Rezultati: Med spoloma ni bilo pomembnih razlik v aktivnem obsegu gibljivosti kolena v smeri ekstenzije, so pa ženske imele pomembno večji obseg aktivne gibljivosti pri gibu fleksije v obeh kolenih. Obstajala je pomembna razlika v aktivnem obsegu gibljivosti med levim in desnim kolenom v smeri ekstenzije samo pri moških, v smeri fleksije pa tako pri moških kot ženskah. Pri preverjanju ponovljivosti je bila najnižja vrednost intraklasnega koeficienta korelacije (0,784) bila pri meritvah ekstenzije levega kolenskega sklepa v prvi seji, najvišja (0,952) pa pri meritvah fleksije desnega kolenskega sklepa v drugi seji. Meritve fleksije so bile bolj ponovljive od meritev ekstenzije. Pri preverjanju zanesljivosti smo najboljše rezultate dobili, če smo izračunali povprečje treh zaporednih meritev. Najnižjo vrednost intraklasnega koeficienta korelacije (0,649) smo izračunali pri meritvah ekstenzije levega kolena, najvišjo (0,893) pa pri meritvah fleksije desnega kolena. Meritve fleksije so bile bolj zanesljive od meritev ekstenzije. Razprava in zaključek: Digitalni goniometer je enostavna uporabna naprava, za merjenje obsegov gibljivosti sklepov, ki je primerna tudi za začetnike. Poleg tega omogoča tudi shranjevanje podatkov. Goniometrija kolenskega sklepa z digitalnim goniometrom je postopek z dobro do odlično ponovljivostjo in zadovoljivo do dobro zanesljivostjo, če meritve opravi začetnik.

Keywords:diplomska dela, fizioterapija, digitalni goniometri, ponovljivost, zanesljivost, obseg gibljivosti, intraklasni koeficient korelacije
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Narić]
Number of pages:25 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124897 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:53028867 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.02.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Repeatability and reliability of measurements of active range of motion in knee joint with digital goniometer : diploma work
Introduction: Measurement is an essential part of all empirical social sciences and natural sciences. Everything that exists is in a certain amount. Goniometry is the most commonly used technique for measuring joint mobility. The extent of joint mobility is measured to detect limitations in joint mobility and to assess the patient's progress in rehabilitation. Because measurements are made multiple times and often by different physiotherapists, the reliability of the investigator and the instrument is therefore important. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma work is to determine the repeatability and reliability of measurements of the active range of motion in the knee joint using digital goniometer. Methods: 40 subjects (21 women and 19 men) participated in the study, with an average age of 21.7 (1.1) years. Men were, on average, significantly taller, heavier with a higher body mass index. Measurements were performed in two sessions with an interval of 48 hours. Three consecutive measurements of the extent of extension and flexion mobility were performed in each session. Results: There were no significant differences between the sexes in the active range of motion of the knee in the direction of extension, but women had a significantly higher range of active mobility in the flexion movement in both knees. There was a significant difference in the active range of motion between the left and right knee in the direction of extension only in men, and in the direction of flexion in both men and women. In the repeatability test, the lowest value of the intraclass correlation coefficient (0.784) was in the measurements of the extension of the left knee joint in the first session, and the highest (0.952) in the measurements of the flexion of the right knee joint in the second session. Flexion measurements were more reproducible than extension measurements. When checking reliability, we obtained the best results if we calculated the average of three consecutive measurements. The lowest value of the intraclass correlation coefficient (0.649) was calculated in the measurements of the left knee extension, and the highest (0.893) in the measurements of the right knee flexion. Flexion measurements were more reliable than extension measurements. Discussion and conclusion: The digital goniometer is a simple and useful device for measuring the range of motion of joints, which is also suitable for beginners. In addition, it also allows data storage. Knee joint goniometry with a digital goniometer is a procedure with good to excellent repeatability and satisfactory to good reliability if beginner makes the measurements.

Keywords:diploma theses, physiotherapy, digital goniometers, repeatability, reliability, range of motion, intraclass correlation coefficient

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