
Vpliv kajenja na stanje ustne votline in dentalnega materiala totalnih protez : diplomsko delo
ID Hlupič, Gašper (Author), ID Rojko, Franc (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Levec, Tina (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Izguba stalnih zob je običajno povezana s starejšo starostno skupino, vendar pa je prisotna tudi pri mlajši populaciji. Glavni dejavnik tveganja za nastanek ustnih bolezni, ki povzročijo izgubo zob, je še vedno kajenje. Cigaretni dim povzroča nastanek zobnih lezij in uničuje normalno ustno floro. Kadilci imajo slabši odziv na parodontalno terapijo in podatki kažejo na 50 % manjši uspeh pri njihovi protetični oskrbi. Zaradi velike raznovrstnosti stanj brezzobosti je treba pri pacientih kadilcih, ki uporabljajo zobne protetične nadomestke, oskrbi posvetiti večjo pozornost. Prva možnost rehabilitacije popolne brezzobosti je še vedno totalna proteza. Ta snemni protetični pripomoček se izdela na podlagi odtisa brezzobe čeljusti in se opira na podporna tkiva v ustih. Pri postopkih izdelave totalne proteze moramo biti pozorni, da dosežemo ustrezne funkcionalne in estetske kriterije, ki bodo prispevali k dolgotrajnosti snemnega protetičnega nadomestka. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti, kako kajenje oziroma cigaretni dim vpliva na stanje ustne votline in na trajnost ter funkcijo totalne proteze. Prav tako želimo ugotoviti in opisati vse pomembne faze pri izdelavi totalne proteze ter prikazati laboratorijske postopke diplomskega izdelka v sklopu slikovnega gradiva. Metode dela: Diplomsko delo zajema pregled strokovne literature na domačih in tujih spletnih straneh. Digitalizirane članke in monografije smo iskali z bibliografskimi sistemi COBISS, ResearchGate, ScienceDirect in Google Učenjak. Uporabno literaturo pa smo našli tudi v glasilu Zobozdravstveni vestnik. Iskana literatura je povezana s kajenjem, totalno protezo in laboratorijskimi postopki izdelave. V zobnem laboratoriju smo izdelali diplomski izdelek za pacienta pod ustreznim mentorstvom. Rezultati: Izdelali smo zgornjo in spodnjo totalno protezo po metodi brizganja in vse faze izdelave prikazali s slikovnim gradivom. Na podlagi predhodnega stanja pacienta smo določili metodo izdelave protez in material ter določenim fazam izdelave posvetili več pozornosti. Totalni protezi sta ponovno zagotovili celovito funkcionalnost in lep videz ustnega predela. Razprava in zaključek: Izguba stalnih zob je življenjski proces, ki ga lahko upočasnimo ali pospešimo z izpostavljenostjo različnim dejavnikom v kombinaciji z ustno higieno. Kajenje je eden izmed glavnih rizičnih dejavnikov, ki negativno vpliva na stanje v ustih, na dentalni material in posledično na kakovost življenja. Le s sodelovanjem pacienta, dobro ustno higieno in primerno strokovno usposobljenostjo zobozdravstvenih delavcev bo protetična oskrba pacienta lahko uspešna.

Keywords:diplomska dela, laboratorijska zobna protetika, cigaretni dim, izguba zob, kajenje, totalna proteza
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[G. Hlupič]
Number of pages:44, [3] str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124833 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:52651523 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.02.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The effects of smoking on the oral cavity and complete dentures : diploma work
Introduction: Edentulism or toothlessness is usually associated with elderly populations, although it also occurs within the younger population. The prevalent risk factor for developing oral diseases that cause edentulism is still smoking. It causes the formation of dental lesions and destroys the normal oral flora. Smokers have a poorer response to periodontal therapy and show 50 % less success with dental rehabilitation. Due to the great variety of these conditions observed with smoker patients, who use dental prosthetic replacements, it is important to pay more attention to their care. A complete denture is still the main solution for complete toothlessness rehabilitation. The removable prosthesis is made based on the imprint of the edentulous jaws and it relies only on the supporting tissues of both jaws. In the process of making a complete denture, we must be careful to achieve the appropriate function and aesthetical criteria that will lead to the longevity of the removable prosthesis. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma thesis is to present how smoking or cigarette smoke influences the condition of the oral cavity, the durability and function of complete dentures. Furthermore to identify and describe all important stages of the manufacturing process of complete dentures and show the laboratory procedures of the diploma product with graphic material. Methods: This diploma paper will be managed at the review of academic literature on domestic and foreign websites. Articles and online literature were obtained with the help of bibliographic systems COBISS, ResearchGate, ScienceDirect and Google Scholar. Supportive literature was also found in the Slovenian dental journal Zobozdravstveni vestnik. The literature research was related to smoking, complete dentures and laboratory manufacturing proceedings. In a dental laboratory we manufactured the diploma product for the patient under the supervision of appropriate mentorship. Results: An upper and lower complete denture was constructed by the injection molding technique. All stages of the process have been documented through graphic material. Based on the patient’s previous condition, we determined the method of care, material and paid more attention to certain stages of complete denture production. The new complete dentures provided function and aesthetics again. Discussion and conclusion: Loss of permanent teeth is a life process, that can be slowed down or accelerated by various factors combined with oral hygiene or lack of it. Smoking is one of the main risk factors that negatively alters the condition of oral cavity, dental material and consequently the quality of life. Only with the cooperation of the patient, good oral hygiene and appropriate professional competence of dental health care professionals, there will be success with prosthetic care of the patient.

Keywords:diploma theses, laboratory dental prosthetics, cigarette smoke, tooth loss, smoking, complete denture

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