This master's thesis presents several methods of estimation or calculation of the inertial rotational energy of a power system. Firstly, a theoretical background is laid forth to familiarize the reader with the basic mathematical and physical concepts, which must be grasped to fully understand the contents of this paper. Next, the methods of input data processing are presented along with the problems that arise from signal noise. Following suit, the inertial constant of two Slovenian power plants is calculated with the swing equation using data from the WAMS system. This is followed by a chapter which quantifies the influence of on-site power use upon the local inertia. In the next part, simulations in PSS Netomac illustrate the behaviour of local inertia in several different network models. Lastly, the total inertia of the Slovenian power system is calculated using data from the SCADA system, as recorded by the transmission operator, ELES.