
Terapija s pomočjo konja - izkušnje in doživljanje uporabnikov : diplomsko delo
ID Kregar, Anka (Author), ID Oven, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Galof, Katarina (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Terapija s pomočjo konja je namenjena izboljšanju zdravja in splošnega počutja oseb s prirojeno ali pridobljeno telesno ali duševno motnjo. Terapija s pomočjo konja in interakcija oseb s posebnimi potrebami s konjem krepi in/ali izboljšuje motorične, procesne in socialno-interakcijske spretnosti ter njihovo samopodobo. Osebam s posebnimi potrebami omogoča aktiven življenjski slog, enakovredne možnosti na vseh področjih človekovega delovanja in višjo kakovost življenja. Namen: Želeli smo ugotoviti, kako terapijo s pomočjo konja doživljajo uporabniki  osebe s posebnimi potrebami, kako tovrstna terapija vpliva na njihovo fizično, psihološko in socialno delovanje ter kako se učinki odražajo v izvajanju vsakodnevnih aktivnosti. Metode dela: V kvalitativni raziskavi smo izvedli pet polstrukturiranih intervjujev z osebami s posebnimi potrebami, ki se udeležujejo terapij s pomočjo konja v Konjeniškem klubu Strmol. Intervjuje smo z njihovim dovoljenjem posneli, dobesedno prepisali in nato kvalitativno vsebinsko analizirali. Rezultati: Udeleženci v raziskavi doživljajo terapijo s pomočjo konja kot ugodje, občutek letenja, kjer odmislijo vsakodnevne skrbi in pridobijo energijo. Konj je njihov prijatelj, učitelj, terapevt in motivator ter jim pomeni sprostitev, fizično aktivnost in okupacijo. Vsi udeleženci so zaradi vključevanja v terapije s pomočjo konja opazili izboljšanje motoričnih spretnosti ter pridobili samozavest in zaupanje v svoje sposobnosti. Omenili so še izboljšanje na socialnem področju, saj pogosteje komunicirajo in občutijo večjo sprejetost v družbi. Te pridobitve vplivajo na njihovo samostojnejše in učinkovitejše izvajanje osnovnih in širših dnevnih aktivnosti ter na motiviranost za opravljanje vsakodnevnih aktivnosti. Razprava in zaključek: Udeleženci se pri terapijah s pomočjo konja prijetno počutijo ter zaznavajo pozitivne učinke na fizičnem, psihološkem in socialnem področju, izboljša pa se tudi njihovo izvajanje vsakodnevnih aktivnosti. V Sloveniji bi bilo treba vključevanje konja v delovnoterapevtsko obravnavo bolje raziskati in nuditi strokovna izobraževanja ter prenesti znanje v prakso. Tako bi bila tovrstna obravnava dostopna več uporabnikom.

Keywords:diplomska dela, delovna terapija, terapevtsko jahanje, osebe s posebnimi potrebami, vsakodnevne aktivnosti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Kregar]
Number of pages:32 str., [4] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124719 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:51639043 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.02.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Equine assisted therapy - the clients' experience and perception : diploma work
Introduction: Equine assisted therapy is intended to improve the health and general wellbeing of people with a congenital or additionally acquired physical or mental disorder. Equine assisted therapy and the interaction between people with special needs and horses strengthen and/or improve the self-image of these people and their motor, process, and social interaction skills. Such therapy enables an active lifestyle and equal opportunities in all areas of human activity, as well as increases the overall quality of life of people with special needs. Purpose: We wanted to determine how equine assisted therapy is experienced by the clients, or people with special needs, and how it affects their physical, psychological, and social functions, and also how the effects are reflected in the performance of their daily activities. Methods: As part of our qualitative research, we conducted five semi-structured interviews with people with special needs, who regularly participate in equine assisted therapies at the Strmol Equestrian Club. With their permission, we recorded, literally transcribed, and then qualitatively analyzed the interviews in terms of content. Results: The participants experience equine assisted therapy as a particular kind of pleasure, a feeling of flying, where they brush aside daily concerns and boost their energy. The horse is their friend, teacher, therapist, and motivator; and signifies relaxation, physical activity, and occupation for them. Due to their participation in equine assisted therapy, all of the clients noticed an improvement in motor skills, a boost of self-confidence, and improved trust in their own abilities. They also mentioned improvements in the social area, as they communicate more frequently and feel more accepted by society. Such achievements have a great impact on the independent and efficient performance of their basic and instrumental activities of daily living as well as the motivation to carry them out in the first place. Discussion and conclusion: Participants in equine assisted therapies feel nice and perceive positive effects in the physical, psychological, and social areas, also they experience an improvement in the performing of their daily activities. In Slovenia, equine assisted occupational therapy should be better researched; also additional professional training should be offered to put the acquired knowledge into practice. As a result, this type of treatment would become accessible to more clients.

Keywords:diploma theses, occupational therapy, equine assisted therapy, people with special needs, daily activities

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