
Geoinformacijsko vrednotenje natančnosti visoko ločljivega digitalnega modela površja, izdelanega iz stereo posnetkov, zajetih z brezpilotnim zrakoplovom
ID Kralj, Blaž (Author), ID Repe, Blaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Brezpilotni zrakoplovi se hitro po prehodu z vojaškega na civilno področje uporabe uveljavljajo kot platforma za pridobivanje prostorskih podatkov. Raziskovalcu zagotavljajo fleksibilnost pri njegovem delu, hkrati pa so cenovno dovolj dostopni in enostavni za uporabo. V magistrskem delu predstavimo delovanje, zgodovino razvoja, področja in zakonodajno-pravne okvire uporabe brezpilotnih zrakoplovov. Za izvedbo praktičnega dela raziskave smo si izbrali ter posneli tri različna območja proučevanja. Ob različni zastopanosti tipov pokritosti površja in reliefni izoblikovanosti so se območja razlikovala tudi po višini slikovnega snemanja, saj nas je zanimal vpliv bližine snemanja na kakovost digitalnega modela površja. Poleg zajema podatkov je predstavljena tudi njihova obdelava. Opisana je priprava georeferenčnega fotogrametričnega oblaka točk, ki nadalje služi za izdelavo zveznega modela površja, katerega kakovost je tudi številčno in opisno ovrednotena. Vrednotenje natančnosti modela je temeljilo na primerjavi z modelom površja iz lidarskih podatkov. S primerjalno analizo smo ugotavljali tudi, ali tip pokritosti površja vpliva na natančnost modela ter ocenili možnosti, prednosti in slabosti tovrstnega zajema podatkov pri geografskem raziskovanju.

Keywords:brezpilotni zrakoplov, daljinsko zaznavanje, fotogrametrija, digitalni model površja, geografski informacijski sistemi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124681 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.02.2021
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Secondary language

Title:GIS based accuracy evaluation of a high-resolution digital surface model generated from an unmanned aerial vehicle captured stereo imagery
Since the transition from military to civilian applications, unmanned aerial vehicles have been quickly becoming a platform for spatial data acquisition and providing researchers flexibility at their work, while being affordable and easy to use. In the master thesis we present the operation and historical evolution of unmanned aerial vehicles as well as fields and legal frameworks of their use. We selected three different study areas for which stereo imagery was captured from different flight altitudes in order to determine the impact of the sensor remoteness on the surface model quality. Study areas also differed in the representation of the land cover types and ground surface topology. In addition to the data acquisition, we also presented data processing by the generation of a georeferenced photogrammetric point cloud, which further served to derive a continuous surface model whose quality was also numerically and descriptively evaluated. The model accuracy evaluation was based on comparison with the LiDAR surface model. The comparative analysis also showed whether the type of land cover affects the model accuracy and assessed the suitability as well as pros and cons of such data acquisition for geographical research.

Keywords:unmanned aerial vehicles, remote sensing, photogrammetry, digital surface model, geographic information systems

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