
Regulacija afekta po smrti otroka : magistrsko delo
ID Juran Kanellopulos, Marija (Author), ID Cvetek, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Z magistrskim delom smo raziskovali, kako so starši doživeli izkušnjo smrti otroka. Zanimalo nas je, kakšne so bile okoliščine smrti in kakšno podporo in pomoč so imeli v času smrti ter neposredno po smrti. Posebej smo se osredotočili na doživljanje sprememb, ki so se zgodile zaradi izkušnje smrti otroka. Ob vsaki temi smo se ustavili in izpostavili nekatere ključne vidike izkušnje, ki smo jo raziskovali. Potrdili smo nekatera teoretična izhodišča, ki govorijo o vseživljenjskem procesu žalovanja, ki sicer poteka po značilnih fazah, vendar čustva v povezavi z izgubo otroka ostajajo vedno blizu površja. Udeleženci so doživeli izkušnjo smrti otroka pred več kot tremi leti od trenutka raziskave. Tisti, katerim je umrl prvi in edini otrok, so čez nekaj časa imeli drugega otroka in so novo rojstvo doživeli kot prelomnico v žalovanju. Ugotovili smo razsežnost dogodka smrti otroka, ki je t. i. agent spremembe v družinskem sistemu in ki postavi pod vprašaj nekaj samoumevnih življenjskih dejstev, kot so pričakovanja od življenja, starševstva in odnosov, ki ne umirajo v tem vrstnem redu. Gre za dogodek smrti, ki presega naravni potek in zato ga je možno le na tej presežni ravni predelati in sprejeti.

Keywords:izguba, smrt otroka, žalovanje, spremembe
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Juran Kanellopulos]
Number of pages:VI, 166, IV str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124589 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:52870659 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.02.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Regulation of affect after the death of a child
With the master’s thesis, we explored how parents experienced the experience of a child’s death. We were interested in what the circumstances of the death were and what support and help they had at the time of death and immediately after death. We specifically focused on experiencing the changes that occurred due to the experience of a child’s death. At each topic, we stopped and highlighted some key aspects of the experience we were researching. We have confirmed some theoretical starting points that speak of a lifelong process of mourning, which otherwise takes place in characteristic stages, but the emotions associated with the loss of a child always remain close to the surface. Participants experienced the death of a child more than three years ago from the time of the study. Those whose first and only child died had a second child after some time and experienced a new birth as a turning point in mourning. We determined the extent of the child’s death event, which is an agent of change in the family system and who questions some self-evident life facts, such as life expectancy, parenthood and relationships that do not die in that order. It is an event of death that transcends the natural course and can therefore only be processed and accepted at this excessive level.

Keywords:loss, child death, mourning, change

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