
Doživljanje ženstvenosti pri ženskah z izkušnjo nasilnega partnerskega odnosa : magistrsko delo
ID Gorc, Larisa (Author), ID Cvetek, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Avtorica je v magistrskem delu raziskovala, kakšen pomen ima doživljanje ženstvenosti pri ženskah, ki so bile del nasilnega partnerskega odnosa. V teoretičnem delu se sprehodi skozi samo opredelitev ženstvenosti, kjer definira tako biološki kot družbeni spol in predstavi spolno identiteto ženske in splošno doživljanje ženstvenosti. V nadaljevanju nam v teoretičnem delu predstavi partnersko nasilje, ga opredeli, pojmuje in našteje njegove oblike. Poleg tega opiše še potek nasilja v partnerskem odnosu in sam izhod iz nasilja ter posledice partnerskega nasilja pri ženskah. V empiričnem delu je predstavljena raziskava, v kateri je sodelovalo 10 udeleženk. Udeleženke so bile v mlajšem oz. zrelem odraslem obdobju po Greenspanu, v starosti med 24 in 62 let, in imajo izkušnjo nasilnega partnerskega razmerja. Avtorica je uporabila vnaprej pripravljen polstrukturiran intervju, ki je pokrival naslednja področja: doživljanje sebe kot ženske, samo izkušnjo in doživljanje partnerskega nasilja ter izhod iz nasilnega partnerskega odnosa. Rezultati so pokazali, da ženske z izkušnjo nasilnega partnerskega odnosa svojo ženstvenost danes doživljajo bistveno drugače, kot so jo doživljale med samim nasiljem v partnerskem razmerju. Opaziti je močno željo po osebnostni rasti in spremembo pri doživljanju ženstvenosti po izhodu iz nasilnega partnerskega razmerja. Ob tem se soočajo predvsem z željo po samostojnosti in postavljanju osebnostnih meja, ki so bile v nasilnem partnerskem razmerju docela porušene. Opaziti je, da je sama izkušnja vplivala na njihovo samopodobo in samospoštovanje, ki pa ju danes krepijo. Za samo izkušnjo so sicer hvaležne in zaradi nje bolj pripravljene raziskati svoje doživljanje, svojo ženstvenost in izkušnjo nasilja. Zaključimo lahko, da nasilje, ki ga ženska doživlja v partnerskem odnosu, ki bi moral predstavljati najbolj varno točko posameznikovega življenja, bistveno vpliva na samo doživljanje sebe in njene ženstvenosti.

Keywords:ženstvenost, nasilje, partnerstvo, odnos, razmerje, doživljanje, ženska, posledice.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Repar]
Number of pages:XII, 186, IV str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124588 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:52872707 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.02.2021
GORC, Larisa, 2021, Doživljanje ženstvenosti pri ženskah z izkušnjo nasilnega partnerskega odnosa : magistrsko delo [online]. Master’s thesis. Ljubljana : L. Repar. [Accessed 16 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Title:Femininity in women with experience of living in an abusive relationship
In this master's thesis, the author explored the importance of experiencing femininity in women who have been involved in a violent relationship. In the theoretical part, she describes the definition of femininity, by defining both biological and social genders and presents the sexual identity of women and the general experience of femininity. Then she focuses on intimate partner violence, defines it, attempts to understand it and specifies its forms. She also describes the course of intimate partner violence, the way out of violence and the consequences of partner violence in women. The empirical part presents a study involving 10 participants. The participants are classified as young or mature adults according to Greenspan, between the ages of 24 and 62, and have been a violent relationship. The author used a pre-prepared semi-structured interview that covered the following areas: experiencing yourself as a woman, experiencing intimate partner violence, and getting out of a violent partnership. The results showed that women with a violent relationship experience their femininity today significantly differently than they experienced the violence while still in the relationship. There is a strong desire for personal growth and change in the experience of femininity after leaving a violent partnership. At the same time, they are mainly faced with the desire for independence and setting personal boundaries, which have been completely destroyed in a violent partnership. It is noticeable that the experience itself influenced their self-esteem, but it has now evolved into a source of strength. They are grateful for the experience itself and as a result are more willing to explore their experience, their femininity and how they perceive violence. We can conclude that the violence a woman experiences in a relationship, which should be the safest space of every person's life, significantly affects the experience of herself and her femininity.

Keywords:femininity, violence, partnership, relationship, experience, woman, consequences.

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