
Internet kot partnerski trg: analiza vsebine oglasov za spoznavanje partnerjev na spletnem portalu Ona–on : analiza vsebine oglasov za spoznavanje partnerjev na spletnem portalu Ona-on
ID Gosar, Anja (Author), ID Švab, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Sodobna informacijska tehnologija je povzročila bliskovite spremembe v dojemanju intimnosti, z naglim porastom spletnih portalov za zmenke pa odprla nova obzorja na področju identitete, samopredstavitve in umetnosti ustvarjanja spletnih profilov. Diplomsko delo z analitičnim pristopom opisuje značilnosti oglasov na spletnem portalu Ona–on. V analizo je bilo vključenih 50 moških in 50 ženskih profilov v marcu 2020. V empiričnem delu je preverjenih devet hipotez, rezultati so predstavljeni s pomočjo grafov in deskriptivne metode. Raziskava je pokazala, da so moški oglasi v primerjavi z ženskimi daljši, z bolj inovativnimi uvodnimi nagovori. Ženske objavljajo zapeljivejše in skrbneje pripravljene fotografije, vendar v enakem številu kot moški. Samopredstavitev žensk temelji na opisovanju dejavnosti, medtem ko moški poudarjajo svoje osebnostne lastnosti. Moški so natančnejši pri željah za bodočo partnerico in imajo tudi jasneje izražene cilje v zvezi s partnerstvom. Primarni ženski kriteriji za iskanje partnerja so poštenost, zvestoba in želen finančni položaj. Na takšen način se sicer predstavljajo tudi moški, obenem pa v samopredstavitvah bolj poudarjajo svoj videz kot ženske. Glede na celoten vzorec značilnih povezav med uporabniki z višjo stopnjo izobrazbe in jasnostjo ciljev ni bilo zaznati, imajo pa moški z nižjo izobrazbo najjasnejše cilje glede partnerstva in družine.

Keywords:spoznavanje po spletu, spletni profili, samopredstavitev, identiteta, partnerstvo.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Gosar]
Number of pages:57 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124528 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:51035139 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.01.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The Internet as a Partnership Market: An analysis of contents for website dating advertisements on the internet portal She–He : diplomsko delo
Modern information technology has caused rapid changes in the understanding of intimacy; the quick expansion of online dating portals has opened new horizons in the field of identity, self-presentation, and the art of creating internet profiles. This diploma thesis with its analytical approach describes the characteristics of advertisements on the internet portal She–He. In March 2020, 50 male and 50 female profiles were chosen for analysis. The empirical part is dedicated to examining 9 hypotheses; the results are presented by graphs and the descriptive method. The research has shown that men’s advertisements are longer than women’s advertisements, and they offer more innovative introductions. Women publish more seducing and carefully designed photographs, but their number is the same as with men. The self-presentations of women are based on describing their activities, while men stress their personal traits. Men are more precise at stating their demands on the future partner; their goals in a future partnership are more clearly defined. Women’s primary criteria in looking for a partner are honesty, fidelity, and the desired financial situation. Men present themselves that way as well, but in their self-presentations they tend to stress their appearance more than women do. In the overall pattern, typical connections between users with higher education and the clarity of their goals are not evident; however, men with lower education have clearer demands concerning partnership and family.

Keywords:online dating, internet profiles, self-presentation, identity, partnership.

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