
Mladi priseljenci z drugih območij bivše Jugoslavije v Sloveniji in njihova vključenost na fakultetah Univerze v Ljubljani : diplomsko delo
ID Pongračić, Marija (Author), ID Šumi, Irena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V raziskavi za diplomsko delo sem ugotavljala, kako so se študentke in študenti iz drugih držav nekdanje Jugoslavije, ki so se z različnimi razlogi priselili v Slovenijo, počutili v novi družbi, predvsem pa na fakultetah Univerze v Ljubljani, in kako so se v tem novem študijskem in bivalnem okolju znašli. V prvem delu sem razložila, kaj je migracija, kdo so priseljenci in kolikšno oviro je zanje predstavljal slovenski jezik. Poglobila sem se tudi v preteklost, v obdobje nekdanje Jugoslavije. Z uporabo različne literature sem prikazala integracijsko politiko, diskriminacijo, s katero se tujci srečujejo, kot tudi s pojmom etničnosti. Ker je bistvena tema vključenost v programe UL, sem prikazala njeno delovanje kot tudi postopek vpisa tujcev. V drugem delu sem s pomočjo vprašalnikov raziskovala vzdušje na fakultetah, kako so tuje študente in študentke iz držav nekdanje Jugoslavije sošolci in osebje fakultet sprejeli, kdo so postali njihovi prijatelji in kdo so bile osebe, ki so jim največ pomagale. Intervjuvanci so mi pripovedovali tudi o zadovoljstvu na izbrani fakulteti, o ovirah s slovenskim jezikom, podelili svoje tako negativne kot tudi pozitivne izkušnje. V nalogi sem predstavila rezultate kvalitativne raziskave, pogovorov z ducatom intervjuvancev, ki so jih strukturirali delno standardizirani vprašalniki. Ugotovila sem, da so mladi iz drugih držav nekdanje Jugoslavije tudi po tolikšnih letih po razpadu nekdanje skupne države še vedno stigmatizirani in ne dovolj sprejeti s strani svojih kolegic in kolegov, natančno etničnih Slovencev in Slovenk na fakultetah. Najbolj jim ob strani stojijo kolegi in kolegice iz drugih nekdanjih držav Jugoslavije, s katerimi se tudi največ družijo. Veliko pomoči so deležni tudi s strani profesorjev in profesoric. Sporazumevanje v slovenskem jeziku jim je predstavljalo največjo težavo. Zadovoljni so tudi z izobraževalnim procesom in vsebinami na izbranih fakultetah, večinoma se počutijo sprejete. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da sogovorniki najbolj pogrešajo več podpore s strani kolegic in kolegov Slovencev pri vključevanju v družbo in na fakultetah. Pogrešajo več razumevanja in vživljanja v svoj položaj s strani učiteljev in učiteljic kot tudi kolegic in kolegov; najbolj se počutijo nemočne zaradi slovničnih napak, ki jih delajo pri govorjenju, kar učinkuje tudi na njihovo pripravljenost in doživljanje pravice do svobodnega govora. Tujci so v Sloveniji izpostavljeni, vendar ne govorijo o osebah, ki prihajajo iz nekdanje skupne države, prav tako pa tudi niso poudarjeni medsebojni odnosi, ki jih imajo etnični Slovenci do že omenjenih državljanov nekdanje Jugoslavije. Socialno delo bi moralo več pozornosti nameniti strahu, počutju, ki jih imajo študentje tujci, ko so diskriminirani v šolah, na fakultetah. Izobraževalni sistem še vedno gradi ovire, saj v šolah ne dopušča razgovora o nekaterih stvareh. Potrebno je, da ljudje vidijo, da obstajajo. Za odpravljanje diskriminacije s strani družbe potrebujemo več skupnostnih projektov, katerih namen bi bil spoznavanje različnih kultur, odpravljanje predsodkov in zbliževanje tujcev ter domačinov. Socialno delo bi lahko bilo pri tem v veliko pomoč.

Keywords:migracije, študentje tujci, akulturacija, socialne mreže migrantov, podpora migrantom, socialno delo z migranti, Univerza v Ljubljani, vpis tujcev na univerzo, družbena vključenost, etničnost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Pongračić]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124487 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:50392323 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.01.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Young immigrants from other former-Yugoslav countries in Slovenia and their integration in University of Ljubljana faculties
In the study conducted for my thesis, I tried to determine how students from former Yugoslav countries, who moved to Slovenia for different reasons, feel about their new social surroundings, especially the faculties of the University of Ljubljana that they are enrolled in, and how they fit in with their new educational and living environments. In the first part, I define migration, explain who migrants are and present how big of an obstacle the Slovenian language is for migrants coming to Slovenia. I also touch upon history, namely the period of former Yugoslavia. By employing different literature sources, I present the integration policy, explore the discrimination faced by foreigners and define the notion of ethics. As the focus is placed primarily on integration in the programs at the University of Ljubljana, I also present the institution’s operations and its process of enrolling foreign students. In the second part, I make use of questionnaires to study what the atmosphere is like at the faculties, how foreign students from former Yugoslav countries are accepted by their peers and faculty staff, who their friends are and who they turn to when they need help. Respondents also told me how satisfied they are with their selected faculty and what challenges they have to overcome when learning the Slovenian language, shedding light on both the positive and the negative aspects. In my thesis, I also present the results of qualitative research – my interviews with dozens of respondents, which were partially structured as standardized questionnaires. I have found that many years after the disintegration of Yugoslavia, young adults from former Yugoslav countries are still stigmatized and not well accepted by their peers, namely ethnic Slovenians enrolled in the studied faculties. They find solace in their peers from former Yugoslav countries, who they also spend most time with socializing. They also receive a lot of help from professors. Communication in the Slovenian language seems to be their biggest problem. They have also expressed satisfaction with the educational process and the contents studied at the selected faculties, and most of them feel accepted. The results of the research indicate that respondents mostly feel they could receive more support from their Slovenian peers when trying to integrate in the society and the faculties. They lack understanding and empathy for their situation, both on part of the professors and their peers. They feel deprivileged due to the grammatical errors in their speech, which also affects their willingness to practice the right to free speech and their experience thereof. Foreigners living in Slovenia are therefore exposed, but they do not mention people coming from former Yugoslavia, nor do they emphasize interpersonal relationships or attitudes of ethnic Slovenians towards the citizens of former Yugoslav countries. Social work should place more focus on the fear and feelings experienced by foreign students, who are discriminated in their schools or faculties. After all, the educational system is still contributing to the occurrence of such obstacles by not allowing discussions on the matter to unfold in classrooms. It is mandatory that people see these individuals exist. To deal with societal discrimination, community projects are required that would be focused on presenting different cultures, dealing away with prejudice and bringing foreigners and locals closer together. Social work could play an essential role in delivering such projects.

Keywords:migrations, foreign students, acculturation, migrant social networks, migrant support, social work with migrants, University of Ljubjana, enrolment of foreign students, social integration, ethnicity

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