
Celostni pristop utrjevanja javnih stavb zgrajenih pred uvedbo predpisov za potresno odporno gradnjo v Sloveniji : magistrsko delo
ID Lombar, Jernej Nejc (Author), ID Bosiljkov, Vlatko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Klun, Martin (Comentor)

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V okviru magistrskega dela je obravnavano protipotresno utrjevanje nosilne konstrukcije OŠ Riharda Jakopiča v Ljubljani. V prvem delu naloge je prikazan krajši pregled razvoja prvih predpisov za protipotresno gradnjo vse do danes veljavnih Evrokodov. Opisan je splošen postopek načrtovanja rekonstrukcije objekta od ocene obstoječega stanja na podlagi terenskih oz. laboratorijskih preiskav, potresne analize obstoječega stanja v skladu z veljavnimi predpisi ter načrtovanjem utrditvenih ukrepov. Pomemben del magistrskega dela je ocena potresne odpornosti obstoječe nosilne konstrukcije objekta na podlagi nelinearne statične potisne analize v programu 3Muri. Vhodni podatki za numerični model so bili pridobljeni na podlagi dostopne tehnične dokumentacije, poročil o izvedenih preiskavah ter lastnih neporušnih preiskavah. Na podlagi rezultatov potisnih krivulj ter največjih možnih pomikov in pospeškov, ki jih dobimo s programom 3Muri, je bilo ugotovljeno, da obstoječi objekt ne zadosti zahtevam potresne odpornosti glede na zahteve veljavnega protipotresnega standarda. V zadnjem delu je analiziran postopek utrjevanja nosilne konstrukcije z opisom nabora možnih utrditvenih ukrepov. Analizirali smo več različnih možnih ukrepov za povečanje potresne odpornosti z uporabo dodatnih jeklenih okenskih okvirjev, povečanjem deleža sten, armiranobetonskih ometov in FRCM (kompozitne tkanine v cementni matriki) utrditev ter preverili njihov vpliv na protipotresno odpornost stavbe. V zaključnem delu naloge sta bolj podrobno prikazani dve najbolj uspešni varianti za utrditev nosilne konstrukcije, s katerima objekt zadosti trenutno veljavnim predpisom o potresni gradnji v Sloveniji.

Keywords:utrjevanje javnih stavb, obstoječa konstrukcija, nosilna konstrukcija, preiskave obstoječega stanja, potresna analiza, metoda N2, 3Muri, potisna krivulja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124464 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.01.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Integrated approach for the strengthening of public buildings built prior introduction of contemporary seismic design regulation in Slovenia : master thesis
The master thesis deals with the seismic strengthening of the load-bearing structure of the public primary school of Rihard Jakopič in Ljubljana. In the first part of the thesis, we made a brief overview of the regulation development for the seismic design in Slovenia. The thesis describes the procedure for the design of mitigation actions for the building from the assessment of the existing condition on the basis of the results of different testing methods, seismic analysis of the building in current state and design of restrengthening measures. An important part of the master thesis is the assessment of seismic resistance of the existing load-bearing structure of the building through non-linear seismic analysis provided by the software 3Muri. The input data for the numerical model were obtained on the basis of available technical documentation, investigation reports and our own non-destructive tests. Based on the results of the pushover capacity curves and the maximum displacements and accelerations obtained with the 3Muri program, it was determined that the existing facility does not meet current requirements for the seismic resistance. In the last part of this thesis, mitigation actions were analysed with a set of possible strengthening measures. For this purpose we analysed different measures such as using steel window frames, adding load-bearing walls, applying reinforced concrete plasters and FRCM (fibre reinforced cement matrix) and assess their impact on the seismic performance of the building. In the final part of the thesis two the most successful solutions for the strengthening that satisfies the currently valid seismic requirements in Slovenia are presented in more details.

Keywords:strengthening of public buildings, existing structure, load-bearing structure, research of existing structure, seismic analysis, N2 method, 3Muri, pushover curve

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