
Razumevanje in doživljanje dolgčasa otrok in mladostnikov v povezavi z uporabo tehnologije : magistrsko delo
ID Novak, Barbara (Author), ID Fekonja, Urška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi sem raziskovala odnos otrok in mladostnikov do dolgčasa. Zanimalo me je, kako pogosto ga otroci in mladostniki doživljajo, kako prijeten jim je in kako ga opišejo. Preverila sem tudi njihovo mnenje o koristnosti dolgčasa in zbrala primere njihovih kreativnih idej, ki so se jim porodile med dolgočasenjem. Želela sem preveriti razlike v razumevanju in doživljanju dolgčasa otrok in mladostnikov v različnih razvojnih obdobjih, povezanost med dolgčasom in uporabo digitalne tehnologije ter pogled staršev na doživljanje dolgčasa pri njihovih otrocih. V vzorec magistrske naloge sem vključila 30 otrok in mladostnikov, in sicer deset udeležencev v vsakem od treh razvojnih obdobij: srednje otroštvo, pozno otroštvo in mladostništvo; ter njihove starše. Z otroki in mladostniki sem izvedla polstrukturiran intervju, starši pa so izpolnili vprašalnik, ki sem ga pripravila v ta namen. Odgovore otrok in mladostnikov odprtega tipa sem analizirala po utemeljeni teoriji, odgovore zaprtega tipa pa z neparametričnimi statističnimi testi. Rezultati so pokazali, da se otrokom in mladostnikom na splošno dolgčas zdi neprijetno čustvo, ki ga doživljajo približno enkrat tedensko, vendar jih kljub temu večina meni, da je koristen. Dolgčas najpogosteje povezujejo s pomanjkanjem zaposlitve, zanimivosti ter z odsotnostjo socialnih stikov. Poleg tega so vzroki za dolgčas tudi onemogočene dejavnosti zaradi zunanjih dejavnikov, lenoba, nezmožnost prepoznavanja lastnih želja in splošno nezanimanje za situacijo, v kateri se trenutno nahajajo. Za spoprijemanje z dolgčasom otroci in mladostniki uporabljajo bodisi aktivne bodisi pasivne strategije spoprijemanja z dolgčasom. Tako uporaba strategij kot razumevanje dolgčasa se tekom starostnih obdobij spreminjata. Otroci in mladostniki pa tudi starši so predstavili različne primere kreativnosti v času doživljanja dolgčasa. Udeleženci za spoprijemanje z dolgčasom pogosto uporabijo digitalne naprave ali pa si to vsaj želijo. Raziskava je prva v Sloveniji, ki nudi vpogled v to, kako otroci in mladostniki razumejo dolgčas in kako se njihov pogled tekom razvoja spreminja.

Keywords:dolgčas, digitalna tehnologija, čustveni razvoj, ustvarjalnost, otroci, mladostniki
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[B. Novak]
Number of pages:59 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124292 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:53663747 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.01.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Children's and Adolescents' Understanding and Experiencing of Boredom in Connection with Technology Use
In my master's thesis, I researched the attitude of children and adolescents towards boredom. I was interested in how often children and adolescents experience it, how pleasant it is to them, and how they describe it. I checked their opinion on the usefulness of boredom and collected their examples of creative ideas that emerged to them during boredom. I wanted to check the differences in the understanding and experience of boredom of children and adolescents in different developmental stages, the association between boredom and the use of digital technology, and to check the view of parents on the experience of boredom in their children. I included 30 children and adolescents in the sample of the master's thesis, namely ten participants in each of the three developmental periods: middle childhood, late childhood and adolescence; and their parents. I conducted a semi-structured interview with the children and adolescents, and the parents completed a questionnaire that I prepared for this purpose. I analysed the responses of open-type children and adolescents according to a well-founded theory, and the closed-type responses with nonparametric statistical tests. The results showed that children and adolescents in general find boredom a slightly uncomfortable emotion that they experience about once a week and find it beneficial. Boredom is most often associated with lack of activity and lack of social contacts. In addition, the causes of boredom are also disabling activities due to external factors, laziness and inability to recognize one's own desires. Children and adolescents use either active or passive strategies to deal with boredom. Both the use of strategies and the understanding of boredom change over the ages. Children and adolescents, as well as parents, gave various examples of creativity during the time of experiencing boredom. Participants often use digital devices to deal with boredom, or at least want to. The research is the first in Slovenia to provide insight into how children and adolescents understand boredom and how their view changes during development.

Keywords:boredom, digital technology, emotional development, creativity, children and adolescents

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