
Struktura in razvoj sestojev toploljubnih listavcev v gozdnem rezervatu Strug
ID Straus, Matic (Author), ID Roženbergar, Dušan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V termofilnem gozdnem rezervatu blizu Idrije, imenovanem Strug, smo postavili 21 vzorčnih ploskev. Z raziskavo smo želeli podrobneje spoznati delovanje termofilnih gozdov in popisati ekološke dejavnike značilne za njihova nahajališča. Drevesom na ploskvah smo izmerili prsni premer in višino, ter jih uvrstili v socialne in vitalnostne razrede. Zbirali smo podatke o eno oziroma večdebelnosti dreves, ter prešteli osebke pomlajevanja različnih drevesnih vrst, s čimer želimo natančneje spoznati stabilnost in dolgotrajnost analiziranega gozdnega rezervata. Ugotovili smo, da je debelinska struktura analiziranih dreves podobna tisti v prebiralnem gozdu. Glavni drevesni vrsti mali jesen (Fraxinus ornus), in črni gaber (Ostrya carpinifolia), imata veliko številsko prednost v osebkih mladja pred ostalimi analiziranimi drevesnimi vrstami - mokovec (Sorbus aria), bukev (Fagus sylvatica) itd. Drevesna sestava na območju gozdnega rezervata Strug je stabilna. V prihodnosti ne pričakujemo sukcesije, ki bi trenutni gozd spremenila v drug tip gozdov.

Keywords:toploljubni listavci, gozdni sestoji, struktura sestoja, razvoj sestoja, Fraxinus ornus, Ostrya carpinifolia, Sorbus aria, Idrija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[M. Straus]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124287 This link opens in a new window
UDC:630*228:630*17(497.4 Strug)(043.2)=163.6
COBISS.SI-ID:48220163 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.01.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Structure and dynamics of a thermophilic stands in the Strug forest reserve
We made 21 plots in a termophyllic forest reserve Strug. We studied the activity of the termophyllic forest reserve and gathered information about the ecological factors that are characteristic for its location. We measured the chest diameter and height of trees and put them in social and vitality classes. We studied the manner in which the trees were growing – one main stem or multiple stems that are all growing out of the same bottom part of the tree trunk. We gathered information about rejuvenation of different tree species, as we were interested in stability and longevity of the forest reserve. We have found out that main tree species flowering ash (Fraxinus ornus) and eurupean hop-hornbeam (Ostrya carpinifolia) have a big advantage in numbers of saplings compared to the other analised tree species – common whitebeam (Sorbus aria), common beech (Fagus sylvatica) and others. The tree structure in the forest reserve Strug is stable enough to regrow back to its original form after natural disasters that are common in the region.

Keywords:thermophillic, forest reserve Strug, forest stand Fraxinus ornus, Ostrya carpinifolia, Sorbus aria, Idrija

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