
Reševanje investicijskih sporov po CETA sporazumu in prihodnost investicijske arbitraže v mednarodnem pravu
ID Lampret, Leonardo Rok (Author), ID Sancin, Vasilka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Mednarodno investicijsko pravo je ena izmed najhitreje rastočih podpanog mednarodnega prava. V mednarodnih investicijskih sporazumih (MIS) države uredijo pravice in obveznosti v razmerju med državo gostiteljico investicije ter tujim investitorjem. Pogodbene stranke v MIS pogosto podelijo pristojnost reševanja sporov mednarodni investicijski arbitraži. Mednarodna investicijska arbitraža je enostopenjski mehanizem reševanja mednarodnih investicijskih sporov. Odsotnost pritožbenega mehanizma je ena izmed nosilnih kritik, saj prihaja do nedoslednih odločitev, hkrati pa ni poenotena uporaba materialnega prava, ki je skupno vsem MIS. Mednarodno investicijsko arbitražo bremeni tudi netransparentnost in predolgi postopki, ki vodijo v (pre)visoke stroške za mala in srednja podjetja. Hkrati pa mehanizem izbire arbitrov ne zagotavlja nujno njihove neodvisnosti in nepristranskosti. Na bilateralni ravni se vrzeli mednarodne investicijske arbitraže rešujejo s t.i. sistemom sodišč za investicije, ki predvideva stalni sodni mehanizem s pritožbeno instanco, kjer so sodniki mandatno imenovani. Sodniki ravnajo v skladu z visokimi etičnimi zahtevami, višja stopnja transparentnosti postopka pa je bližje demokratičnemu odločanju. Predvidene časovne omejitve odločanja in stroškovni ukrepi približujejo mehanizem reševanja sporov tudi malim in srednjim podjetjem. Takšen mehanizem je prvič celovito in pravno zavezujoče urejen v CETA sporazumu. T.i. sistem sodišč za investicije odpravlja pomanjkljivosti zgolj na bilateralni ravni, zato se znotraj OZN pripravljajo predlogi za reformo trenutnega reševanja investicijskih sporov, kjer prevladuje ideja o vzpostavitvi multilateralnega mednarodnega investicijskega sodišča.

Keywords:mednarodno investicijsko pravo, mednarodna investicijska arbitraža, multilateralno investicijsko sodišče, CETA sporazum, investicije, pravo EU
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124116 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:47661827 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.01.2021
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Title:Settlement of Investment Disputes Under the CETA Agreement and the Future of Investment Arbitration in International Law
International investment law is one of the fastest growing subbranches of international law. In international investment agreements (IIA) states regulate the rights and obligations between the host country and the foreign investor. Contracting parties in IIA often confer jurisdiction to resolve disputes to international investment arbitration. International Investment arbitration is a one-stage mechanism for resolving international investment disputes. The lack of an appeal mechanism is one of the main criticisms, as inconsistent and substantively incorrect decisions are made, and at the same time the application of substantive law, which is common to all international investment agreements, is not uniform. International investment arbitration is also plagued by non-transparency and excessively long procedures, which lead to excessive cost burden for small and medium-sized enterprises. At the same time, the arbitrator selection mechanism does not necessarily guarantee their independence and impartiality. At the bilateral level, the gaps in international investment arbitration are addressed through a so-called system of investment courts, which provide for a permanent judicial mechanism with an appellate instance, where judges are appointed for a term. Judges must comply with high ethical requirements. Higher degree of transparency of the procedure is closer to democratic decision-making. The envisaged time constraints on decision making and cost measures bring the dispute settlement mechanism closer to small and medium-sized enterprises. For the first time, such a mechanism is comprehensively and legally binding regulated in the CETA agreement. The so-called system of investment courts eliminates shortcomings only at the bilateral level, hence within the UN, proposals are being prepared for the reform of the current settlement of investment disputes, where the idea of establishing of a multilateral investment court prevails.

Keywords:International investment law, International investment arbitration, Multilateral investment court, CETA Agreement, Investment court system, Investors, EU law

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