
Proučevanje lastnosti delcev izbranih sladkorjev in sladkornih alkoholov izdelanih s sferično kristalizacijo
ID Simčič, Monika (Author), ID Planinšek, Odon (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tablete so najpogosteje uporabljana farmacevtska oblika, direktno stiskanje pa je najbolj zaželen način njihove proizvodnje. Direktno stiskanje tablet je najpogosteje izvedljivo le, če praškasta zmes vsebuje funkcionalne pomožne snovi, ki imajo vlogo polnila in veziva. Ena izmed novejših tehnik za načrtovanje delcev teh pomožnih snovi je sferična kristalizacija, kjer v procesu kristalizacije dobimo aglomerirane, sferične delce z dobrimi pretočnimi lastnostmi in stisljivostjo. Večina študij se sicer posveča sferični kristalizaciji zdravilnih učinkovin, smiselno pa je s tem pristopom tudi načrtovanje delcev pomožnih snovi. V nedavnih raziskavah so namreč razvili sferično aglomerirano laktozo, ki ima izredno dobre pretočne lastnosti in stisljivost ter je primerna pomožna snov za direktno stiskanje tablet. V magistrski nalogi smo izvajali preliminarne eksperimente sferične kristalizacije s pomožnimi snovmi, ki bi lahko zamenjali laktozo v zmeseh praškov za direktno stiskanje tablet. Proučevali smo dva sladkorja: trehalozo in glukozo ter štiri sladkorne alkohole: eritritol, izomalt, manitol in ksilitol. Kot netopilo smo uporabili etanol, oziroma aceton. Produkt smo primerjali z izhodnimi delci, sferične aglomerate izomalta, manitola in ksilitola pa še s funkcionalnimi pomožnimi snovmi, ki so namenjene direktnemu stiskanju, vendar so izdelane s sušenjem z razprševanjem oziroma z granuliranjem (GalenIQTM 721, Pearlitol 100 SD in Xylisorb 100DC). Novonastalim in izhodnim delcem smo izmerili velikost delcev in gostoto, ovrednotili pretočne lastnosti, morfologijo ter strukturne lastnosti, za kar smo uporabili termično analizo in po potrebi še rentgensko praškovno analizo, oziroma IR spektroskopijo. Za uspešno izdelavo sferičnih aglomeratov izbranih pomožnih snovi je bila bistvena dovolj visoka koncentracija raztopine, ki zagotavlja primerno prenasičenje ob mešanju z netopilom. Pri trehalozi, izomaltu in ksilitolu so preliminarni testi (primerne pretočne lastnosti in sprejemljiva morfologija delcev) pokazali smiselnost izvedbe nadaljnjih eksperimentov, ki bi vodili v optimizacijo sferičnih aglomeratov z izboljšanimi pretočnimi lastnostmi in primerno stisljivostjo, medtem ko pri glukozi nismo dobili primernega produkta. V primeru eritritola in manitola v procesu sferične kristalizacije lastnosti izhodnih delcev nismo zadostno izboljšali. Sferičnim aglomeratom ksilitola smo ovrednotili tudi stisljivost ter ugotovili, da se ti delci najverjetneje zaradi slabše lomljivosti, ki je odvisna od povezav med osnovnimi delci, nekoliko slabše stiskajo od komercialno dostopnih delcev ksilitola za direktno stiskanje.

Keywords:sferična kristalizacija, direktno stiskanje tablet, funkcionalne pomožne snovi, sladkorni alkoholi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124084 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.12.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Particle properties study of selected sugars and sugar alcohols produced with spherical crystallization
Tablets are the most commonly used dosage form, and direct compression is the most desirable method of tablet production. Direct compression is most often only feasible if the powder mixture contains functional excipients that act as fillers and binders. One of the newer techniques for particle design of these excipients is spherical crystallization, where agglomerated, spherical particles with good flow properties and compressibility are obtained in the crystallization process. Most studies focus on the spherical crystallization of active ingredients, but this approach is also possible for the excipient particles design. In recent research, spherical agglomerated lactose has been developed, which has extremely good flow properties and compressibility, and is a suitable excipient for direct compression of tablets. In our work, we performed preliminary experiments of spherical crystallization with excipients that could replace lactose for direct compression of tablets. We studied two sugars: trehalose and glucose, and four sugar alcohols: erythritol, isomalt, mannitol, and xylitol. Ethanol and acetone were used as antisolvents. The product was compared with original particles. Spherical agglomerates of isomalt, mannitol and xylitol were also compared with functional excipients, that are intended for direct compression but are made by spray drying or granulation (GalenIQTM 721, Pearlitol 100 SD and Xylisorb 100DC). Particle size and density were measured for the newly formed and original particles, flow properties, morphology and structural properties were evaluated, for which we used thermal analysis and, if necessary, X-ray powder diffraction or IR spectroscopy. For the successful production of spherical agglomerates of selected excipients, a sufficiently high concentration of solution was essential to ensure adequate supersaturation when mixed with the antisolvent. For trehalose, isomalt and xylitol, preliminary tests (suitable flow properties and acceptable particle morphology) showed the feasibility of further experiments leading to optimization of spherical agglomerates with improved flow properties and suitable compressibility, while glucose did not give a suitable product. In the case of erythritol and mannitol, the properties of the original particles were not sufficiently improved. Spherical agglomerates of xylitol were also evaluated for compressibility, and it was found that these particles are less compressible in comparrison with commercially available xylitol particles for direct compression due to poor brittleness, which depends on the bonds between the base particles.

Keywords:spherical crystallization, direct compression, functional excipients, sugars, sugar alcohols

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