
Vloga delovnega terapevta pri zdravljenju in obvladovanju kronične bolečine : diplomsko delo
ID Simončič, Martina (Author), ID Marušič, Vita (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Lebar, Cecilija (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Kronična bolečina je neprijetna senzorna in čustvena izkušnja, povezana z dejansko ali potencialno poškodbo tkiva, ki traja vsaj 3-6 mesecev. Pogosto povzroči vrsto drugih simptomov kot so stres, nespečnost, utrujenost, depresija in tesnoba. Delovno terapevtske intervencije so usmerjene v zmanjševanje bolečine in optimalno povečanje samostojnosti v dnevnih aktivnostih. Namen: Širše spoznavanje problema kronične bolečine z vidika delovne terapije, preučiti kako je v literaturi opredeljena vloga in naloga delovnega terapevta pri obravnavi bolnikov s kronično bolečino ter ugotoviti katere modele, pristope in ocenjevalne instrumente uporabljajo delovni terapevti pri svojem delu na področju zdravljenja in obvladovanja kronične bolečine. Metode dela: Uporabili smo deskriptivno raziskovalno metodo, pregled domače in tuje znanstvene in strokovne literature, ki smo jo iskali v spletnih bazah Google scholar in DiKUL, ki omogočata dostop do tujih baz kot so OTSeeker, PubMed, MedLine, Cochrane library in Dlib, in v revijah ter zbornikih iz knjižnic URI Soča, Medicinske fakultete v Ljubljani in Zdravstvene fakultete Ljubljana. Rezultati: Delovni terapevti morajo biti seznanjeni s primeri dobre prakse s področja obravnave kronične bolečine. Naloga delovnega terapevta je omogočanje izvajanja okupacije/okupacij; zagotavljanje poklicne rehabilitacije; obnovitev okupacijske identitete; spodbujanje funkcionalne neodvisnosti, mobilnosti in avtonomije; izboljšanje mehanike telesa in uporabe ergonomskih tehnik; izboljšanje/obnovitev funkcij; prilagoditev okolja in izboljšanje socialne podpore. Najpogosteje se uporablja biopsihosocialni model, znotraj tega pa kognitivno – vedenjski pristop in biopsihosocialni pristop. Delovni terapevti uporabljajo različne ocenjevalne inštrumente, najpogosteje Analizo aktivnosti, Kanadski test izvedbe okupacije in oceno bolečine z Vizualno analogno lestvico. Razprava in zaključek: Kronična bolečina je pogosto vzrok za socialno izoliranost in zmanjšano kakovost življenja. Oseba se pogosto sooča tudi z motnjami spanja in razpoloženja ter težavami z ravnotežjem. Naloga delovnega terapevta je ugotoviti, kako kronična bolečina vpliva na izvedbo vsakodnevnih aktivnosti uporabnika. Delovna terapija je usmerjena v prilagajanje aktivnosti in okolja/okoliščin, ki omogočajo izvedbo s čim manj bolečin, in hkrati izvedbo na učinkovit in varen način.

Keywords:diplomska dela, delovna terapija, pregled literature, bolečina, ocena bolečine
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Simončič]
Number of pages:23 str., [7] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124073 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:45811459 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.12.2020
SIMONČIČ, Martina, 2020, Vloga delovnega terapevta pri zdravljenju in obvladovanju kronične bolečine : diplomsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : M. Simončič. [Accessed 25 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:The role of occupational therapist in chronic pain management : diploma work
Introduction: Chronic pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage that lasts for at least 3 to 6 months. It often causes a whole range of other symptoms such as stress, insomnia, fatigue, depression and anxiety. Occupational therapy interventions are aimed to reducing pain and optimal integration of independence in daily activities. Purpose: To expand the knowledge of the problem of chronic pain from the perspective of occupational therapy, to study the use of occupational therapists in the treatment of patients with chronic pain, and the comparison of the findings of experts regarding the role and function of occupational therapy within the scope of treatment or management of chronic pain. Methods: We used a descriptive research methodology, a review of domestic and foreign scientific and professional literature, which we found in online databases such as DiKUL, which leads us to foreign data bases, such as OTSeeker, PubMed, MedLine, Cochrane library, Google sholar in Dlib, and in journals and proceedings from libraries URI Soča, Faculty of medicine Ljubljana and Faculty of health sciences Ljubljana. Results: The task of the occupational therapist is to enable the implementation of an occupation / occupations; providing vocational rehabilitation; restoration of occupation identity; promoting functional independence, mobility and autonomy; improving the mechanics of the body; the use of ergonomic techniques; improvement / restoration of functions; adapting the environment and improving social support. Occupational therapists should be familiar with cases of good practice in the treatment of chronic pain. The biopsychosocial model is most often used, and within it the cognitive - behavioral approach and the biopsychosocial approach. Occupational therapists use a variety of assessment instruments, most commonly Activity analysis, Kanadian occupational performance measure, and pain assessment with a Visual analogue scale. Discussion and conclusion: Chronic illness is often the cause of social isolation and poor quality of life. A person often also experiences sleep and mood disorders as well as balance problems. The task of an occupational therapist is to determine how chronic pain affects the performance of the user’s daily activities. Occupational therapy’s aim is to adapt the activities and the environment, so that the tasks can be performed with minimal possible pain and also in an effective and safe way.

Keywords:diploma theses, occupational therapy, literature review, pain, pain assessment

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