
Model za ocenjevanje učinkovitosti optimizacije proizvodnega procesa z metodami vitkosti
ID Kunej, Noka (Author), ID Berlec, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kušar, Janez (Comentor)

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Optimizacija proizvodnih procesov v podjetjih, ki želijo dandanes ostati konkurenčna na vse bolj globalnem tržišču, je področje, ki se mu ni mogoče in se mu tudi ne bi smelo izogniti. Vitka proizvodnja podaja številne metode za obravnavanje problemov, povezanih z optimizacijo. Naloga se ukvarja z različnimi metodami vitkosti, nekatere izbrane pa so uporabljene na primeru proizvodnje svetlobnih teles. Na osnovi študije primera s pomočjo analize toka vrednosti in metode določanja časov MTM je predstavljen model za podporo odločanju, s katerim lahko podjetje preveri smiselnost uvedbe sprememb v procesih. Model temelji na izračunu prihranka časa v primerjavi s potrebno investicijo. Z eksperimentom na primeru je bila analiza toka vrednosti prepoznana kot uporabna metoda za odkrivanje izgub v procesih, saj pogosto šele vizualizacija in detajlni popis odkrije šibke točke procesov. Metoda MTM pa je bila prepoznana kot izjemno uporabna za določanje časov v primeru, ko proces še ne poteka, saj omogoča izbiro med različnimi rešitvami oziroma preverjanje možnosti prihranka. Uporaba metod vitkosti vpliva na kazalnike uspešnosti podjetja in s tem finančno dobrobit, pomaga pa tudi pri vzpostavljanju delovnega okolja prijaznega do zaposlenih, tako z vidika kreativnosti kot tudi učinkovitosti.

Keywords:vitka proizvodnja, analiza toka vrednosti, metoda določanja časov, ocenjevanje učinkovitosti, optimizacija proizvodnega procesa, ergonomija, razmestitev delovnih mest
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Kunej]
Number of pages:XXII, 83 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124041 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:49622275 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.12.2020
KUNEJ, Noka, 2020, Model za ocenjevanje učinkovitosti optimizacije proizvodnega procesa z metodami vitkosti [online]. Master’s thesis. Ljubljana : N. Kunej. [Accessed 17 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:A model for evaluating the efficiency of production process optimization with lean methods
Optimization of production processes is a key field for companies that wish to remain competitive on the increasingly global market, therefore it cannot and should not be avoided. Lean production offers different methods of dealing with problems related to process optimization. My thesis covers different lean methods, while some selected ones are used in the example of lighting equipment production. Based on a case study by means of value stream mapping and MTM time determination method, it presents a model for efficiency evaluation of production process optimization that can be applied by the company to decide whether to proceed with the introduction of changes or not. The model is based on calculation of time savings compared with the required investment. During the case experiment, the value stream mapping method was recognized as an efficient method to define wastes in processes, since often we can clearly define losses only after visualizing and recording a process in detail. The MTM method was recognized as an extremely useful time determination method for processes that are not running in production yet, since it can be used to select from different solutions and to predict saving possibilities based only on the analysis. The use of lean methods has an influence on key performance indicators and therefore on the financial success of the company. It can also help establish employee friendly work environment, from the point of view of creativity as well as efficiency.

Keywords:lean production, value stream map, time determination method, efficiency evaluation, production process optimization, ergonomics, layout optimization

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