
Uporabne lastnosti preje za ognjevarno spodnje perilo
ID Sukič, Neža (Author), ID Rijavec, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V okviru magistrskega dela je bil proučen vpliv predilnega postopka in finoče modakrilnih vlaken (mikrovlakna in standardna vlakna) na tekstilnotehnološke lastnosti prej, namenjenih za izdelavo ognjevarnega spodnjega perila. Preje so bile izdelane iz dveh mešanic vlaken v sestavi 55 % modakril, 30 % liocel in 15 % poliakrilat, pri čemer je prva mešanica vsebovala modakrilno mikrovalkno, druga pa standardno modakrilno vlakno. Vse preje so bile izdelane na prstanskem predilniku po konvencionalnem in kompaktnem postopku ter postopku SiroSpun?. Preje izdelane iz mešanice vlaken, ki je vsebovala modakrilno mikrovlakno, so v primerjavi s prejami, ki so vsebovale standardno modakrilno vlakno, imele večje število vlaken v prerezu. Modakrilno mikrovlakno ima v primerjavi s standardnim modakrilnim vlaknom večjo specifično površino, nižji Youngov modul in primerljivo specifično pretržno napetost. Posledično so imele preje, ki so vsebovale modakrilno mikrovlakno, višjo dolžinsko maso, višjo specifično pretržno napetost, višje število nopkov in višje število debelih mest v primerjavi s prejami, ki so vsebovale standardno modakrilno vlakno. Izbira postopka predenja ni vplivala na dolžinsko maso preje. Preji, izdelani po konvencionalnem, prstanskem postopku, sta imeli najvišji pretržni raztezek; preji, izdelani po postopku SiroSpun?, sta imeli najnižje vrednosti pretržne sile in najnižje število nopkov v preji; preji, izdelani po kompaktnem postopku, pa sta imeli najvišjo neenakomernost, razen kosmatosti. Med vsemi prejami je imela najboljše lastnosti preja, ki je vsebovala modakrilna mikrovlakna in je bila izdelana po konvencionalnem postopku prstanskega predenja.

Keywords:ognjevarno spodnje perilo, predilni postopek, finoča vlakna, toplotno udobje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-123335 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.12.2020
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Title:Applicable Properties of Yarns for Fireproof Underwear
In the framework of the master 's thesis, the influence of the spinning process and fineness of modacrylic fibres (microfibres and standard fibres) on the textile technological properties of yarns intended for manufacture of fireproof underwear was studied. The yarns were made from two fibre blends composed of 55% modacrylic, 30% lyocell and 15% polyacrylate fibres. All yarns were made on a ring spinning machine according to the conventional, compact and SiroSpun® process. Yarns made from a blend with modacrylic microfibre had a higher number of fibres in cross section compared to yarns containing standard modacrylic fibre. Modacrylic microfibre had a higher specific surface area, a lower Young’s modulus, and a comparable specific tensile stress compared to standard fibre, which resulted in higher linear density, tensile strength, specific tensile stress, and higher number of knots and thick spots in yarns containing modacrylic microfibres compared to those with standard modacrylic fibres. The selection of the spinning process did not affect the linear density of the yarns. The yarns made by the conventional ring process had the highest breaking elongation; yarns produced by the SiroSpun® process had the lowest values of breaking force and the lowest number of knots in the yarn; however, the yarns produced by the compact process had the highest unevenness other than hairiness. Among the yarns, the best properties were found in yarns containing modacrylic microfibre and produced by the conventional ring spinning process.

Keywords:fire resistant underwear, spinning process, fibre fineness, thermal comfort

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