
Raziskava in praktični preizkus odprtokodnih mobilnih jedrnih sistemov 4G in 5G
ID BERČIČ, ŽIGA (Author), ID Volk, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Mobilni sistemi so pomembno in zelo hitro razvijajoče se področje. Postopek vzpostavitve mobilnega omrežja je do nedavnega veljal za izjemno zahtevnega in dragega, ki si ga je lahko privoščila le peščica največjih operaterjev. Z razvojem cenovno relativno dostopne, univerzalne strojne opreme skupaj s programsko virtualizacijo namenskih elektronskih naprav, je slednje postalo neprimerno bolj dostopno in danes omogoča praktično izvajanje nadaljnih raziskav in razvoja na ključnih področjih, med katere sodijo tudi privatna mobilna omrežja. Majhna, namenska mobilna omrežja niso uporabna le v zasebni rabi, ampak bodo v prihodnosti tudi potrebna, saj je prilagajanje zahtevam posameznih funkcij ključnega pomena za delovanje pravega 5G omrežja. Hitro rastoče področje v tehnologiji predstavlja tudi virtualizacija. Ta izboljša izrabo razpoložljivih virov, omogoči delitev funkcij v svoje sklope, izboljša razširljivost sistemov in hkrati strojno opremo posploši neodvisno od proizvajalca, kar med drugim privede do niže cene opreme. Zadnji predstavljen pojem je odprtokodnost. Takšna programska koda je brezplačno dostopna vsem in vsakdo jo lahko po želji prilagodi svojim kriterijem. Odprtokodna programska oprema pogosto tudi dobro deluje, saj sta vpogled in izboljšava dostopna vsem, ne le nekaterim za to zadolženim razvijalcem. Žal pa so zaradi neprofitnosti taki projekti velikokrat postavljeni na stran, z neznanim končnim rokom in so pogosto tudi slabo dokumentirani. Namen te magistrske naloge je raziskati, kako lahko s pomočjo prosto dostopnih odprtokodnih rešitev vzpostavimo svoje privatno mobilno omrežje. V magistrskem delu sta predstavljena postavitev in preizkus odprtokodnih mobilnih jeder četrte (4G) in pete (5G) generacije mobilnih sistemov. Prvi del opisuje delovanje mobilnih jeder 4G in 5G, potek izmenjave sporočil ob priključitvi mobilne naprave na omrežje in predstavi nekaj pomembnih sporočil, ki so kasneje prikazana v praktičnem delu. V nadaljevanju je predstavljen pomen virtualizacije in kako jo lahko uporabimo pri nadaljnjem razvoju mobilnih sistemov. Drugi, praktični del naloge predstavi tri trenutno vodilne izvedbe odprtokodnih mobilnih jeder, NextEPC, srsEPC in Free5GC. Na osnovi izvedenih in predstavljenih testiranj primerja njihove ključne lastnosti, zmogljivosti, pomanjkljivosti, možnosti in postopke namestitve ter nadaljnje uporabe, prikazan je zajem paketnega prenosa podatkov ob vzpostavitvi zveze in dostopanju uporabniške naprave do spleta. Postopek namestitve jeder je podrobno opisan. Uspešna namestitev in delovanje sta prepoznana z možnostjo dostopa mobilne naprave do spleta, ki je bil pri vseh mogoč. Med glavne ugotovitve tega dela med drugimi sodi območje različne uporabe jeder. SrsEPC kot preprosto, energijsko varčno jedro, NextEPC kot zmogljivo 4G jedro, primerno za resno uporabo, in Free5GC kot mobilno jedro z zgodnjo podporo nekaterim (visoko hitrostnim) 5G funkcijam. V nadaljevanju so predstavljene tehnične, programske in druge ovire, na katere sem, avtor tega dela, naletel. Glavne ovire predstavljajo neprimerna različica operacijskega sistema ali sistemskega jedra, napačna različica nameščenega programskega jezika (Go v primeru Free5GC), manjkajoče knjižnice, certifikati in datoteke. Zaključno poglavje potrdi želeno domnevo o možnosti izgradnje učinkovitega zasebnega mobilnega omrežja kakor tudi ločevanja funkcij komercialnega mobilnega omrežja za doseganje potreb mobilnih sistemov naslednjih generacij. Programska oprema preizkušenih jeder in testnega orodja se dnevno posodablja. Preizkušeni mobilni jedri 4G delujeta dobro, nadaljnji razvoj bi lahko potekal v smeri dodatnih funkcij, kot sta denimo kontrola kakovosti storitve pri jedru srsEPC in njeno sprotno prilagajanje pri NextEPC. Free5GC trenutno vsebuje tri glavne elemente jedra 5G, vendar celotni sistem še ni dokončan. Ocenjujem, da bi lahko prihodnje meritve še izboljšali s fizično bazno postajo in pravimi uporabniškimi napravami, povezanimi na preizkušano mobilno jedro ali z uporabo novejše simulacijske programske opreme.

Keywords:mobilno omrežje, 4G, 5G, virtualizacija, mobilno jedro, NextEPC, srsLTE, Free5GC, odprtokodni sistem
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-123131 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.12.2020
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Title:Analysis and practical investigation of open source 4G and 5G mobile core systems
Mobile systems are an important and very rapidly evolving field. Until recently, the process of setting up a mobile network was considered to be extremely demanding and expensive, which only a handful of the largest operators could afford. With the development of relatively affordable, universal hardware together with software virtualization of dedicated electronic devices, the latter has become more accessible and today enables the practical implementation for further research and development in key areas, including private mobile networks. Small, dedicated mobile networks are not only useful for private use, but will also be needed in the future, as adapting to the requirements of individual functions is crucial for the operation of a true 5G network. A rapidly growing field in technology is also virtualization. This improves the use of available resources, enables the division of functions into its assemblies, improves the scalability of systems and at the same time generalises hardware independently of the manufacturer, which also leads to lower final equipment prices. The last concept presented is open source. Such program code is available to everyone free of charge and anyone can adjust it to their own criteria. Open source software often also works well, as insight and enhancement is available to anyone, not only to certain developers. Unfortunately, due to non-profit, such projects are often set aside, with an unknown deadline, and are often poorly documented. The purpose of this master's thesis is to explore how we can set up our private mobile network with the help of freely available open source solutions. The master's thesis presents the installation and testing of open source mobile cores of the fourth (4G) and fifth (5G) generation of mobile systems. The first part describes the operation of 4G and 5G mobile cores, the process of exchanging messages when connecting a mobile device to the network and presents some important messages, which are later shown in the practical part. The importance of virtualization and how it can be used in the further development of mobile systems is presented. The second, practical part of the thesis presents the three currently leading implementations of open source mobile cores, NextEPC, srsEPC and Free5GC. Based on the performed and presented tests, it compares their key properties, capabilities, shortcomings, possibilities and procedures of installation and further use, shows the capture of packet data transmission when establishing a connection and access of the user device to the Internet. The process of installing the cores is described in detail. Successful installation and operation are recognized by the ability of the mobile device to access the Internet, which was possible for all tested cores. Among the main findings are, among others, the area of different uses of cores. SrsEPC as a simple, energy-saving core, NextEPC as a powerful 4G core suitable for serious use, and Free5GC as a mobile core with early support for some (high-speed) 5G features. The following are technical, software and other obstacles that I, the author of this work, encountered. Major obstacles include an inappropriate version of the operating system or system kernel, an incorrect version of the installed programming language (Go in the case of Free5GC), missing libraries, certificates, and files. The concluding chapter confirms the desired assumption about the possibility of building an efficient private mobile network as well as separating the functions of the commercial mobile network to meet the needs of next generation mobile systems. The software of tested cores and test tools is updated daily. Tested 4G mobile cores work well, further development could take place in the direction of additional features e.g. quality control of the srsEPC kernel and its real-time adjustment at NextEPC. Free5GC currently contains three main elements of the 5G core, but the entire system is not yet complete. In the future, the measurements could be improved with a physical base station and real user devices connected to the tested mobile core or with use of newer simulation software.

Keywords:mobile networks, 4G, 5G, virtualisation, mobile core, NextEPC, srsLTE, Free5GC, open-source

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