
Razvoj in izdelava merilne naprave za merjenje homogenosti magnetnega polja NdFeB magnetov
ID Nabergoj, Andrej (Author), ID Vrabič, Rok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Trajni magneti so sestavni del undulatorjev, ki se uporabljajo v sinhrotronih za ustvarjanje elektromagnetnega sevanja, s katerim se izvajajo raznovrstne raziskave v znanosti. Za doseganje želenih lastnosti tega sevanja je zahtevana zelo natančna porazdelitev magnetnega polja, zato so za izdelavo undulatorjev potrebne različne meritve, ena izmed njih je tudi meritev homogenosti magnetnega polja trajnih magnetov. Cilj magistrske naloge je razviti napravo, ki bo omogočala samodejno meritev navpične komponente magnetnega polja nad magnetom in s tem podala oceno o homogenosti magnetnega polja. Omogočala bi enodimenzionalno meritev integralne vrednosti vzdolž magneta in izvedbo več zaporednih meritev pod različnimi koti za izračun dvodimenzionalne porazdelitve komponente gostote magnetnega polja. V okviru naloge smo izdelali koncept naprave, narisali 3D model v programu Solidworks in napravo v enostavnejši konfiguraciji (brez vrtenja) tudi sestavili. V programskem jeziku Python smo napisali krmilni program. Na koncu smo izvedli tudi testno meritev. Izmerili smo integralno vrednost magnetnega polja velikosti 6Tmm s ponovljivostjo približno 1.6% in ob primerjavi meritev več magnetov istega undulatorja uspeli zaznati nehomogenosti magnetnega polja.

Keywords:meritev magnetnega polja, merilna naprava, homogenost magnetnega polja, undulator, tomografija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Nabergoj]
Number of pages:XXIV, 62 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-122947 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:49818627 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.12.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Development of a device for measuring magnetic field homogeneity of NdFeB magnets
Permanent magnets are integral part of undulator, a device that is used in synchrotrons for production of electromagnetic radiation needed for various kinds of research. To achieve desired properties of radiation it is necessary to have precise magnetic field distribution. Because of this, we need different types of magnetic measurement for production of such devices. One of them is magnetic field homogeneity measurement of permanent magnets. Our goal was to develop measurement device, which enables measurement of magnetic field vertical component above magnet to obtain estimate of magnetic field homogeneity. It would be capable of one dimensional measurement along the magnet and execution of multiple consecutive measurements from different angles for calculation of two-dimensional magnetic field distribution. We made concept of device design, designed the 3D model in Solidworks software and assembled measurement device in simpler configuration (without rotation). We made control program in Python programming language and took one-dimensional test measurement. Measurement repeatability of magnetic field integral value of 6Tmm is approximately 1.6%. With comparison of measurements of multiple magnets that belong to the same undulator we succeeded to detect magnetic field inhomogeneities.

Keywords:magnetic field measurement, measurement system, magnetic field homogeneity, undulator, tomography

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