Throughout this master’s thesis, we first learn about polyurethanes. Firstly, we learn about history and how the synthesis of the first polyurethane came about, then we learn about basic chemistry, especially about basic chemistry of polyurethane foams and coatings. After the presentation of the basic chemistry, the main raw materials used in the production of these polymers (isocyanates and polyols) are presented. Then the main calculations are shown, which are later used in the experimental part of the master's thesis. In the introduction, also an abrasive polyurethane coating, which is the main topic of the master's thesis is presented. Due to inconveniences in current production of abrasive polyurethane coating, the main raw material needs to be completely or at least partially replaced. In the experimental part, experiments on the replacement of isocyanates and polyols in the synthesis of abrasive polyurethane coating, the characterization of these newly synthetized products and the demonstration of applicability are presented. With these experiments, it was found that it is quite possible to synthesize the coating from other raw materials and obtain a suitable and useful product.