
Aktivnosti medicinske sestre pri prepoznavi in obravnavi dihalne stiske pacienta v bolnišničnem okolju : diplomsko delo
ID Jezeršek, Sara (Author), ID Sotler, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Milojević, Nataša (Comentor), ID Djekić, Bernarda (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Dihanje je ena izmed osnovnih življenjskih aktivnosti, brez katere ni življenja. V primeru dihalne stiske in poslabšanja le te lahko pride do ogrožanja življenja, ki vodi v smrt. Največji vzrok za hipoksijo je prav zapora dihalne poti, na katero mora biti medicinska sestra pozorna. Pod osnovni ukrep štejemo sprostitev dihalne poti, vzdrževanje proste dihalne poti in njeno zavarovanje. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je s pregledom literature opisati, kakšne so aktivnosti medicinske sestre, ko pacient preneha z dihanjem in predstaviti možne vzpostavitve izmenjave plinov, ki ponazarjajo dihanje oz. ga nadomestijo. Namen pa je tudi kratka predstavitev enote intenzivnega zdravljenja , ki jo lahko povežemo z naslovom. Metode dela: Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo dela ter poiskali domačo in tujo literaturo. Vire smo iskali s pomočjo podatkovnih baz PubMed, CINAHL, Cohrane Library, COBISS.SI in Science Direct. Uporabili smo recenzirane članke s prosto dostopnim celotnim besedilom, ki so bili objavljeni med letoma 2008 in 2019. Rezultati: Medicinska sestra mora dobro opazovati in prepoznati znake dihalne stiske ter biti usposobljena in pripravljena, da pacientu kar se da hitro, pravilno, odgovorno ter strokovno pomaga. Potrebna so izobraževanja in usposabljanja za pridobitev znanja in spretnosti. Pomembna aktivnost medicinske sestre je, da pacientu zagotovi prosto dihalno pot, oksigenacijo, ventilacijo in zaščito pred aspiracijo želodčne vsebine, krvi in drugih telesnih izločkov. Prva stvar, ki jo naredi pri pacientih z neprehodno dihalno potjo, je vzvračanje glave in dvig spodnje čeljusti. Pri pacientih, ki imajo ohranjene zaščitne reflekse, je smiselno izvajati hitro sekvenčno intubacijo. Hkrati medicinska sestra asistira zdravniku pri intubaciji. Pri vzpostavljanju dihalne poti si pomaga tudi z raznimi pripomočki, ki zagotavljajo zadostno izmenjavo plinov. Razprava in zaključek: Pomembno je, da ima medicinska sestra dovolj znanja in zna vnaprej določene stvari predvideti, saj s tem zmanjša neželene izide. Bistvenega pomena je sprostitev in vzdrževanje dihalne poti, ter uporaba raznih tubusov in I-Gelov ali predihavanje z umetno ventilacijo, če sam ne diha v zadostni meri. Če ti pripomočki niso učinkoviti, se odločijo za intubacijo, saj je enostavno spremljanje preko monitorja na katerem so vsi podatki o vitalnih funkcijah in ventilatorja, ki ga sicer upravlja zdravnik. V primeru padca saturacije je potrebno aspirirati pacienta, saj mu na ta način očistimo dihalno pot.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, zapora dihalnih poti, enote intenzivnega zdravljenja, prva pomoč
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Jezeršek]
Number of pages:34 str., [1] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-122451 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:42522883 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.12.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Nurse activities in recognition and treatment of patient respiratory difficulty in hospital : diploma work
Introduction: Breathing is one of the basic life activities without which there is no life. In the event of airway obstruction, life-threatening death may occur. The biggest cause of hypoxia is a precisely the airway obstruction, to which the nurse must pay attention. The basic measure is airway relaxation, maintenance of the free airway and insurance. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to describe the role of the nurse when the patient stops breathing and to present the possible establishment of gas exchange, which illustrates breathing or. replace it. The purpose is also a short presentation of the intensive care unit, when it can be linked to the title. Methods: We used a descriptive method of domestic and foreign literature. We used PubMed, CINAHL and Cohrane Library, COBISS.SI and Science Direct databases. Literature was sought in professional publications and proceedings. We used peer-reviewed articles with freely available full text published between 2008 and 2019. Results: A nurse must have the ability to observe and recognize the symptoms of respiratory distress. They must be qualified and ready to help a patient as rapidly, correctly, responsibly, and professionally as possible. Education and practical training is vital to acquire the knowledge and competences. An important nurse's activity is to assure patient's free airways, oxygenation, ventilation, and to prevent the aspiration of stomach content, blood and other body excretes. The first action to be taken with a patient with respiratory tract obstruction is to tilt back their head and lift their lower jaw. Rapid sequence intubation is advisable for patients who still have their protective reflexes. A nurse also assists a doctor when intubating. When freeing the respiratory tract, a nurse uses different equipment to assure sufficient gas exchange. Discussion and conclusion: It is important for a nurse to have sufficient knowledge and can anticipate certain things because that helps lessen the chance of undesirable outcome. Freeing and maintenance of respiratory tract are vital, as well as the use of different tubus and I-gels or ventilation. If these assistive devices are not effective, an intubation is carried out, since it is easily monitored through a screen, showing all vital functions, and a ventilator, controlled by a doctor. In case of saturation drop, a patient needs aspiration to free their airways.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, airway obstruction, intensive care units, first aid

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