
Govorno nastopanje učencev v 3. razredu osnovne šole
ID Marolt, Nika (Author), ID Petek, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6540/ This link opens in a new window

Govor je veščina, ki jo uporabljamo v vsakodnevnem življenju. Postopoma razvijamo pomemben element sporazumevanja, ki se začne s preprostim usvajanjem besed in poznejšim tvorjenjem zahtevnejših stavčnih struktur. Razvoj govora se načrtno in sistematično razvija v osnovni šoli, kjer otrok to sporazumevalno veščino potrebuje za pridobivanje drugih veščin, kot je spretnost branja in pisanja. V šolskem okolju se govor razvija sistematično in se odraža v različnih dejavnostih, med njimi je tudi govorni nastop. Seznanjenje, priprava in izvedba govornega nastopa po učnem načrtu poteka v 3. razredu osnovne šole. Učencem so takrat načrtno predstavljene značilnosti govornega nastopa, ki zajemajo govor, pripravo vsebine, obnašanje pred poslušalci, učenje nastopa, vzpostavljanje očesnega stika, pridobivanje samozavesti in predvsem pridobivanje občutka za govorno nastopanje pred ciljno skupino. Da bi posameznik v procesu šolanja usvojil tehniko govora in vse potrebne elemente za uspešno govorno nastopanje, je potrebno veliko truda in urjenja. Eden izmed načinov za dosego teh ciljev je načrtna priprava in ocenjevanje izvedbe govornega nastopa po točno določenih kriterijih za dosego uspešnosti. Namen magistrske naloge je bil raziskati, kako poteka vpeljava, izvedba in ocenjevanje govornih nastopov v 3. razredu osnovne šole. V teoretičnem delu magistrske naloge je predstavljen pojem sporazumevalne zmožnosti, od koder smo prešli na predstavitev retorike in govora. Osredotočili smo se na faze sporočanja, besedni jezik, nebesedne prvine, vlogo učitelja pri razvoju govora učencev in se dotaknili tudi težav, ki se pojavljajo pri govornih nastopih. V empiričnem delu magistrske naloge je predstavljena kvantitativna raziskava, ki smo jo pridobili z deskriptivno metodo raziskovanja. Prvi del raziskave je potekal s pomočjo spletnega anketnega vprašalnika, medtem ko smo podatke za drugi del raziskave pridobili z opazovalnim listom. Oba dela raziskave sta pokazala, da se učitelji v veliki meri poslužujejo izvedbe govornega nastopa v 3. razredu, pri čemer upoštevajo značilnosti govornega nastopa in učne cilje v učnem načrtu. To se odraža v ocenjevalnih lestvicah oziroma kriterijih za uspešno govorno nastopanje, ki večinoma zajemajo vse potrebne elemente govornega nastopanja. Ugotovili smo, da se večina govornih nastopov učencev zaključi s povratno informacijo vrstnikov in učitelja, nimajo pa vsi možnost popraviti oziroma izboljšati govornega nastopa. Dobljeni rezultati raziskave so lahko v pomoč učiteljem razrednega pouka, ki poučujejo v 3. razredu, da so pozorni na dejavnike govornega nastopanja pri vpeljavi, izvedbi in končni oceni govornega nastopanja.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-122434 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:41784323 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.12.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Oral presentations of third grade
Speech is a skill we need in our daily lives. It gradually develops an important element of communication, beginning with the simple acquisition of words and the subsequent creation of more complex sentence structures. Speech development is systematically developed in primary school, where the child needs communication skills to acquire skills other than reading and writing skills. In the school environment, speech develops systematically and is reflected in various activities, including speech performance. Acquaintance, preparation, and implementation of a speech according to the curriculum take place in the 3rd grade of primary school. Students are then systematically introduced to the characteristics of speech performance, which include speech, content preparation, behaviour in front of listeners, learning to experiment, making eye contact, gaining confidence and gaining feelings for speaking in front of the target group. For successful speech performance is required a lot of effort and training. One of the ways to achieve these goals is the planned preparation and evaluation of the performance of a speech performance according to precisely defined criteria for achieving performance. The purpose of the master's thesis was to investigate how the introduction, implementation, and evaluation of speech performances in the 3rd grade of primary school takes place. In the theoretical part of the master's thesis, the concept of communicative ability is presented, from which we have already found a presentation of rhetoric in speech. We focused on the phases of communication, verbal language, non-verbal elements, supporting the teacher in the development of students' speech, and also touched on the problems that arise in speech performances. In the empirical part of the master's thesis, quantitative research is presented, which was obtained through a descriptive research methodology. The first part of the research was conducted with the help of an online survey questionnaire because the data for other partial research obtained with the observation sheet are given. Both parts of the research were shown that teachers make extensive use of the implementation of speech performance in the 3rd grade, taking into account the characteristics of speech performance and learning objectives in the foreground. This is reflected in the rating scales or criteria for successful speech performance, which mostly covers all the necessary elements of speech performance. We found that most of the students' speeches end with feedback from peers and teachers, but they do not have all the options to correct or improve speech performance. Obtained research results can help classroom teachers in 3rd grade to pay attention to speech performance factors in performance, performance, and final performance assessment.


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