
Zveza med vsebnostjo ekstraktivov in sorpcijskimi lastnostmi rdečega bora (Pinus sylvestris) : magistrska naloga
ID Turičnik, Vanja (Author), ID Merela, Maks (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Oven, Primož (Comentor), ID Gorišek, Željko (Reviewer)

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Pri rdečem boru (Pinus sylvestris L.) smo proučevali anatomske razlike med beljavo in jedrovino, določili smo vsebnost ekstraktivov v beljavi in jedrovini, preučevali higroskopnost beljave in jedrovine ter poiskali zvezo med vsebnostjo ekstraktivov in sorpcijskimi lastnostmi. Preiskave so bile opravljene na 6 testnih drevesih. Anatomske preiskave so bile opravljene s klasično svetlo-poljsko mikroskopijo. Preiskovanje vzorcev za določanje dimenzijske stabilnosti in sorpcijskih lastnosti je potekalo po uravnovešanju v steklenih klima komorah. Vzorce za kemijsko analizo smo ekstrahirali s cikloheksanom ter zmesjo acetona in vode, deleţ celokupnih fenolov pa določili z UV/VIS spektrofotometrijo. Razlike med beljavo in jedrovino so bile v smolnih kanalih, v lumnih aksialnih traheid ob trakovih ter v trakovnih parenhimskih celicah in obokanih piknjah. Deleţ ekstraktivnih snovi v jedrovini je bil večji kot v beljavi in nakazuje na pojav spojin s fenolnim karakterjem, bodisi lignina ali ostalih fenolnih spojin. Preiskave beljave in jedrovine niso pokazale statistično značilnih razlik v gostoti v absolutno suhem stanju, pri točki nasičenja celičnih sten, v prostorninskih skrčkih in nabrekih in ne pri koeficientu nabrekanja v tangencialni smeri. Ojedritveni procesi povzročajo statistično značilne razlike med beljavo in jedrovino v prečni krčitveni anizotropiji, diferecialnem nabreku v radialni in tangencialni smeri, v koeficientu nabrekanja v radialni smeri ter pri sorpcijskem kvocientu. Vlaţnost beljave je bila 90 %, vlaţnost jedrovine pa 24 %. Raziskava, opravljena na primeru rdečega bora, je pokazala, da spremembe, ki se v lesu zgodijo v procesu ojedritve, vplivajo na anatomsko in kemijsko zgradbo lesa, kar nadalje vpliva tudi na določene sorpcijske lastnosti lesa.

Keywords:rdeči bor, sorpcijske lastnosti, ekstraktivi, beljava, jedrovina
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[V. Turičnik]
Number of pages:XI, 93 f., [4] f. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-122402 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:2313097 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.12.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Relation between extractives content and sorption properties of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) : M. Sc. thesis
In the case of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), anatomical differences between the sapwood and heartwood were researched, the content of extractives in the sapwood and heartwood defined, hygroscopicity of sapwood and heartwood studied, so as the relationship between the content of extractives and sorption properties. Research was carried out on 6 test trees. Anatomical investigations were performed using the classic light-field microscopy. Investigation of samples for determination of dimensional stability and sorption properties was held by balancing in the glass-air condition chambers. Samples were extracted for chemical analysis using cyclohexane, and the mixture of acetone and water, and the proportion of total phenols determined by UV/VIS spectrophotometry. The differences between the sapwood and heartwood were in the resin canals, in the lumens of axial tracheids with strips of band as well as differences in parenchymal cells and bordered pits. The part of exstractives in the heartwood was higher than in the sapwood, and indicated on phenomenon of compound with phenolic character, either lignin or other phenolic compounds. Investigations of the sapwood and heartwood did not show statistically significant differences in the density in the absolutely dry state, at the point of saturation of cell walls, in the volume shrinkage, and not in the coefficient of swelling in the tangential direction. Heartwood formation processes caused statistically significant differences between the sapwood and heartwood in the transverse anisotropy, differential swell in the radial and tangential direction, in the coefficient of swelling in the radial direction and the sorption quotient. Humidity of sapwood was 90 %, and humidity of heartwood 24 %. Investigation, carried out in the case of a Scots pine, shows that the changes occurring in the wood in the process of heartwood formation have effect on the anatomical and chemical structure of wood, which hereinafter also impacts the specific sorption properties of wood.

Keywords:red pine, sorption properties, extractives, sapwood, heartwood

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