
Pustiti v trpljenju Boga blizu : diplomsko delo
ID Mehle, Maria Gloria (Author), ID Platovnjak, Ivan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu avtor raziskuje mesto in vlogo trpljenja v odnosu med človekom in Bogom. V prvem poglavju raziskuje izkustvo trpljenja. Ker človek trpi, ko doživlja neko zlo, neko umanjkanje dobrega, se naloga začne s tem, kaj je za človeka dobro. Temeljno dobro za človeka izvira iz tega, da ga je Bog Oče po deleženju Svetega Duha ustvaril v Sinu, da bi bil v svobodnem, neuničljivem občestvu z Njim, s svojo naravo, z bližnjimi in stvarstvom. Zaradi ljubezni, ki je svobodna, more človek oditi in iskati svojo srečo drugod. Odtujitev od Boga je potegnila za seboj odtujitev lastne narave, ki je postala ranljiva, umrljiva in je zaradi strahu zase zavladala nad duhom, obenem pa tudi odtujitev bližnjim in stvarstvu. Vse to je odklon od dobrega, zlo, ki ga človek izkuša kot trpljenje. V drugem poglavju raziskuje avtor, kako je Bog človeku blizu v trpljenju. Ko je človek krenil na svojo pot, je šel Bog takoj za njim. Ob polnosti časov je Jezus Kristus nase vzel naše trpljenje, greh in smrt ter se kot Bog in človek daroval za nas Očetu. Nase je vzel korenino zla: nezaupanje Očetu. Ker je to storil v pokorščini Očetu, ju je premagal. Razodel je Boga in človeka. Odprl je pot k Očetu ter človeku omogočil, da trpljenje in smrt živi kot izraz ljubezni do Očeta in bratov. Tretje poglavje je posvečeno načinu, kako lahko človek v trpljenju sprejme Boga. Ko človek trpi, se pogosto obrne k Bogu s svojo tožbo. Če je pripravljen tudi prisluhniti, se mu Bog lahko razodene. S tem ozdravi človekovo odtujenost od Boga, sebe, bližnjih in mu ponudi novo življenje v Sinu. Ta daje človeku kal večnega življenja in obenem priložnost, da živi za druge. Kot novi človek se more soočiti s svojo umrljivostjo, ko se odreka sebi in se prepušča Kristusu. V povezanosti s Kristusom more trpljenje iz Očetovih rok sprejeti, ga darovati, se proti njemu boriti, v njem zoreti ter tako rasti v povezanosti z Bogom in sobrati.

Keywords:krščanstvo, vera, človek, bolezen, trpljenje, smrt, zlo, Bog Oče, Jezus Kristus, Sveti Duh, bližina, ljubezen, odrešenje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. G. Mehle]
Number of pages:IV, 46 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-122226 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:42169347 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.11.2020
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Secondary language

Title:To allow God's closeness when suffering
In her thesis, the author makes a detailed study of the place and role of suffering in the relationship between God and men. In the first chapter, the author makes research on the experience of suffering. Since a person suffers, when facing evil, some kind of lack of good, the thesis starts at the point of what is good for the person. The fundamental good for any person originates from the fact that God the Father created them by the grace of the Holy Spirit in God the Son, to be in a free and unbreakable community with God, with their own nature, with their neighbours and with creation. Because of love, which is free, can mankind go away and search for joy somewhere else. Alienation from God drew to alienation from his own nature, which becoming vulnerable, mortal and afraid for itself prevails over the soul. At the same time, it drew to alienation from the neighbours and from creation. This is all together deviation from good, evil, which is experienced by the person as pain. In the second chapter, the author carries out research on God´s closeness to the suffering person. Once the person set out on their own path, God went after them at once. In the fullness of time, Jesus Christ took over human suffering, sin and death and, as man and God, offered himself to his Father. He took upon himself the root of evil: mistrust of God the Father. Since Jesus did this for obedience to his Father, He defeated them. He revealed God and humanity. He opened the way to his Father and allowed humanity to live pain and death as an expression of love to God the Father as well as to their brothers and sisters. The third chapter is dedicated to the way in which a person in pain can recieve God’s closeness. When a person suffers, they often turn it over to God. If the person is willing to listen to God, He can reveal Himself. God is then able to heal the person of their alienation from Him, from themselves, from their neighbours and He offers them a new life in God the Son. He lets the person have the sprout of eternal life and the grace to live for others. As a new creature, the person can face mortality, when denying oneself and laying down one's life for Christ. In intimacy with Christ, the person may accept suffering from God the Father´s hands, offer it, stand against it, grow from it and increase their closeness to God and to their brothers and sisters.

Keywords:Christianity, faith, human, disease, suffering, death, evil, God the Father, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, closeness, love, salvation

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