
Uporaba namiznih družabnih iger pri pouku angleščine
ID Ferjančič, Tea (Author), ID Skela, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo raziskuje možnosti rabe družabnih iger, ki so nastale za komercialne namene, kot učno sredstvo pri poučevanju angleščine. Čeprav ta tema še ni dobro raziskana, je vendarle zelo pomembna predvsem zaradi naraščajočega števila ljubiteljev družabnih iger ter okrog 3500 novih iger, ki izidejo vsako leto. Magistrska naloga želi pokazati, da so družabne igre lahko uporabno učno sredstvo, s katerim lahko – ob pravilni uporabi – dosegamo določene učne cilje. V magistrski nalogi se osredotočamo na pozitivne učinke iger na motivacijo učencev, njihovo ustvarjalnost ter zmožnost strateškega mišljenja in druge splošne dejavnike, ki spremljajo družabne igre. V empiričnem delu se posvetimo izbiri iger ter predstavimo kriterije, ki smo jih pri tem upoštevali. Osredotočimo se na dolžino igre, možnost nakupa, izposoje ali igranja igre v Sloveniji ter na uporabo in znanje angleškega jezika, ki je potrebno za uspešno igranje. Ob vsaki igri dodamo tudi predloge za namensko uporabo igre na drug način ter pozitivne lastnosti uporabe igre pri uri angleščine. V zadnjem poglavju strnemo naše ugotovitve.

Keywords:družabne igre, poučevanje angleščine, motivacija, ustvarjalnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-122217 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.11.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The Use of Board Games in English Language Teaching
The MA thesis explores the idea of using board games designed for mass market in ELT classrooms. This topic is not well researched yet; however, it is an important one, considering the fact that the board game playing population is growing each year, and there are around 3500 new board games produced yearly. The thesis demonstrates that, if used properly, board games can function as useful teaching tools and can be used to help teachers achieve their various teaching aims. It focuses on the positive aspects board games have on learners’ motivation and their creativity, strategic thinking, etc. The empirical part of the thesis focuses on specific board games suitable for ELT classrooms. We selected the board games according to the following factors: game length, accessibility in Slovenia, and the English language factor embedded in the game. Then, we focused on the rules of the games, possible variations to the games and the positive benefits of using them in an ELT classroom. The concluding chapter summarizes the findings.

Keywords:board games, ELT, motivation, creativity

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