In this thesis, we will present the topic of controlling virtual machines and
services in a hybrid environment. In modern systems and infrastructures,
failure detection and rapid and e cient response to these are crucial. With
every second when the service is not in operation, the latter does not generate
revenue for the company, which means a loss of income. With an e cient
monitoring and noti cation system, system administrators can proactively
monitor connections, virtual machines and services through monitoring, and
quickly and e ciently repair outages with smart noti cations. We implemented the system with the help of the services of the cloud technology
provider Microsoft Azure. We used the services of Microsoft Log Analytics
and Azure Monitor, and also focused on open source solutions for displaying
metrics Grafana and the Prometheus metrics collector. The result of the
thesis is a system that o ers the ability to monitor the infrastructure at the
micro and macro level, help system administrators with smart noti cations
and provides visualizations in forms of graphs and a general overview of the
infrastructure over time.