Ceramic serving sets are a vital piece in every bar where coffee is served. They carry an important, but sometines underestimated and often overlooked role in this business branch. It's design represents one of the key factors in creating a desired contribution to places where drinks are offered. If designed thoughtfully, a role of the main connecting factor would be established, where every aspect from place's history, to the niances in the colour scheme would be considered. This is exactly what my bachelor's thesis will try to achieve, with coffee serving set being the connector.
In designing this set, I will take into account the given fact of designing for an existing place, in this case being the Hotel Convent's Cafe, and aim towards connecting the customer's experince, of the act of enjoying in coffee, and the place with rich history at which the set would be used. Result of my diploma thesis will therefore play an important role in connecting both the customer and the given resort, aswell as giving this café a charisma of itself, while also contributing to the Hotel's ability to offer something more than just standard services