
Kompetenci stalnega strokovnega razvoja in profesionalne strategije pri kariernih začetnikih glede na motivacijske in organizacijske faktorje : magistrsko delo
ID Koder, Zala (Author), ID Podlesek, Anja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pojem kompetence je težko opredeljiv, v splošnem predstavlja gruče znanj, veščin, zmožnosti in drugih lastnosti, ki posamezniku omogočajo, da v strokovnih situacijah ravna učinkovito in skladno z opredeljenimi standardi. EuroPsy model (EFPA, 2015) opredeljuje kompetence psihologov, loči jih na primarne in usposobitvene. Slednje so splošne in jih za delo potrebujejo tudi strokovnjaki na drugih področjih. Raziskali smo, kako razviti sta usposobitveni kompetenci stalnega strokovnega razvoja in profesionalne strategije pri kariernih začetnikih glede na samoučinkovitost, ciljno-motivacijsko orientacijo posameznika, mentorske odnose, organizacijsko klimo ter pretočnost informacij v organizaciji, v kateri deluje. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 129 udeležencev iz različnih strok in organizacij z manj kot petimi leti izkušenj. Razvili smo vprašalnik o izbranih kompetencah, pri čemer smo ugotovili, da odgovore na izbrane postavke pojasnjujejo štirje faktorji – stalni strokovni razvoj, lastna zaznava kompetenc, profesionalna strategija ter posvetovanje. Ugotovili smo, da imajo karierni začetniki, ki se zaznavajo kot samoučinkovite ter se pri svojem delu osredotočajo na strokovnost, mojstrstvo in obvladovanje področja, bolj razvite nekatere od vidikov izbranih kompetenc. O višji pretočnosti informacij in organizacijski klimi podpore ter inovacij v organizaciji so poročali udeleženci z bolj razvitimi kompetencami, medtem ko se mentorstvo s kompetencami ni povezovalo. Na podlagi rezultatov študije predlagamo nadaljnje usmeritve pri preučevanju kompetenc oziroma njihovih povezav z izbranimi dejavniki.

Keywords:kompetence, motivacija, organizacija, kariera, razvoj, EuroPsy
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Z. Koder]
Number of pages:56 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-122076 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:48166147 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.11.2020
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Title:Competencies of continuous professional development and professional strategy in career beginners with respect to motivational and organizational factors
The concept of competence is still difficult to define, but in general it represents clusters of knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics that enable an individual to act effectively and in accordance with defined standards in professional situations. The EuroPsy model defines the competencies of psychologists, separating them into the primary and enabling competences. The latter are general and important for experts of different professions. The present research focused on how developed are competencies of continuous professional development and professional strategy in career beginners in relation to self-efficacy, achievement goal orientation, mentoring relationships, organizational climate and information flow in the organization in which the individual works. There were 129 participants with less than 5 years of work experience from various professions and organizations included in the study. A questionnaire on selected competencies was developed, and it was found that responses to selected items can be explained by four factors – continuous professional development, own perception of competencies, work standards and consultation. Career beginners who perceive themselves as self-efficient and focus their work on mastery reported to have some aspects of competencies more developed. Higher information flow and the organisational climate of support and innovation in the organization were reported by participants with more developed competencies, while mentoring was not correlated with competencies. Based on the results of the study, we propose further directions in the research field of competencies or their connections with selected factors.

Keywords:competence, motivation, organization, career, development, EuroPsy

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