In the thesis, I presented the theoretical framework of transactional analysis and the established and widely used psychotherapeutic approach derived from it. The theory of transactional analysis is among others useful in education, management and counselling work, therefore I tried to find the presence of its elements within modern social work. In the research part, I searched for similarities in the epistemological assumptions, while paying special attention to the relationship between the helper and the user/client. I was interested in the presence of conceptual and methodical approaches of transactional analysis psychotherapy within modern social work. I researched and compared the field of work, views on the problem, the emerge of the problem, similarities between users/clients and searched for useful knowledge and skills of both approaches, which are mutually applicable.
The main finding of the research thesis is that certain elements of the theory of transactional analysis are present within theories on which modern social work is relying in its practical activities.