
Učenje z večpredstavnostnimi gradivi pri predmetu spoznavanja okolja
ID Mezek, Karin (Author), ID Torkar, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Hergan, Irena (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6522/ This link opens in a new window

V magistrskem delu je raziskana uporabnost večpredstavnostnih učnih gradiv v učbenikih za predmet spoznavanje okolja. V raziskavi so sodelovali drugošolci iz osnovne šole Osrednjeslovenske regije. S pomočjo očesnega sledilca Tobii eye tracker je preizkus rešilo 42 učencev, od tega 22 učencev in 20 učenk. Učenci so bili naključno razdeljeni v dve skupini. Raziskovalno vprašanje je bilo, ali se lahko učenci z večpredstavnostnimi gradivi samostojno učijo in so pri tem uspešni. V raziskavo so bila vključena gradiva iz učbenikov za spoznavanje okolja, ki so bila uporabljena pri prvi skupini učencev. Pri drugi skupini učencev je bilo gradivo nadgrajeno z vsebinsko razlago in slikovnim gradivom. Spremembe so bile uvedene, da bi učenci iz druge skupine lažje razumeli vsebino in gradivo. Ugotovitve kažejo, da so se spremembe z nadgradnjo pri nekaterih nalogah izkazale za koristne. Med skupinama ni bilo zaznati razlik v uspešnosti reševanja nalog iz sklopa branje zemljevidov in legende (BZL). Ugotovljeno pa je bilo, da učenci bolje usvojijo snov, če se v začetnih letih kartografskega opismenjevanja srečujejo najprej z zemljevidom že znane okolice. Učitelji se morajo zavedati kognitivne ravni učenca in naloge prilagoditi kognitivni stopnji posameznika. Z dodajanjem ustreznih vizualnih elementov v učna gradiva (v našem primeru na zemljevidih, pri poskusu s plastenko in pri grafičnem prikazu) se razumevanje učencev izboljša. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da zaradi preoblikovanja in dopolnitve učnega gradiva učenci iz druge skupine bolje argumentirajo odgovore kot učenci iz prve skupine. Prav tako so toplotni zemljevidi pokazali boljšo osredotočenost učencev iz druge skupine na bistvene elemente učnega gradiva. Ključno vlogo pri pouku ima še vedno delo s konkretnim gradivom. Učna snov mora biti usvojena postopoma, in sicer od konkretnega k abstraktnemu. Ugotavljamo, da ima učitelj še vedno ključno vlogo pri poučevanju, saj učence vodi in usmerja. Večpredstavnostno gradivo pa lahko uporabi v pomoč pri poučevanju. Večpredstavnostno gradivo je učinkovito, če ne vsebuje preveč nebistvenih informacij. Pri nadaljnjem raziskovanju bi bilo smiselno izpeljati eksperiment pri pouku, pri čemer bi bila učna snov enim učencem razložena preko večpredstavnostnega gradiva, drugim pa bi učitelj predstavil učno snov.

Keywords:večpredstavnostno gradivo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121971 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:36700163 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.12.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Learning with multimedia resources in subject Learning about the environment
he following work attempts to determine how primary school students use multimedia and visualisations in learning materials in science subjects. For the diploma thesis, we conducted a study involving second graders from a primary school in the region Central Slovenia. 42 students (22 boys and 20 girls) were included in the study by means of an eye tracker and a written test and were randomly divided into two experimental groups. We focused on whether the students were able to learn independently with the help of multimedia materials and how they were successful in doing so. The first group of students received learning material from a science textbook on learning about the environment. For the second group of students we enhanced the materials with content explanations and added enhanced learning materials. We introduced these changes to make it easier for the second group of students to understand the content of learning materials. The results indicate that the changes we made to the materials were beneficial. We found that both groups were equally successful in solving tasks that included reading maps and legends. We concluded that students would be able to master cartographic skills faster if they were given a map of an already familiar environment at the beginning of the study process. Teachers need to be aware of the student's cognitive level and adapt the tasks accordingly. By adding appropriate visual elements to the teaching materials (in our case maps, the experiment with a plastic bottle and graphic representations) we can improve their' understanding of the topic. We found that the students in the second group were able to present their answers better than the students in the first group because of the enhanced learning material. Heatmaps also showed us that the students of the second group were able to concentrate better on the essential elements of the learning material. Working with concrete materials continues to play a key role in teaching. The learning material must be developed step by step, starting with the concrete and moving on tomore abstract. Our research shows that the teachers have an important role in guiding the students. However, the teacher should use multimedia materials to support the learning process. Multimedia materials are effective as long as they do not contain too much irrelevant information. For further research, it would be useful to conduct an experiment in the classroom, in which one group of students is learning the subject matter through multimedia material and the other group is explained the same subject matter by the teacher.

Keywords:multimedia materials

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