
Uporaba različno prečiščene odpadne vode za namakanje Hokkaido buč (Cucurbita maxima L.)
ID Leskovar, Gašper (Author), ID Pintar, Marina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kacjan Maršić, Nina (Comentor)

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Zaradi podnebnih sprememb in z njimi povezane suše ter, večje variabilnosti padavin in tudi napredka v kmetijstvu se tako kot drugod po svetu tudi v Sloveniji, pojavlja vedno večja potreba po vodi za namakanje. Ker so zaloge pitne podzemne vode, ki predstavljajo največji vir vode za namakanje pri nas omejene, smo se odločili narediti poskus z namakanjem s prečiščeno odpadno vodo. Uporabili smo vodo iz treh različnih postopkov čiščenja, algne tehnologije, rastlinske čistilne naprave in iz klasične pretočne čistilne naprave s predhodno denitrifikacijo in anaerobno stabilizacijo blata v gniliščih centralne čistilne naprave Ajdovščina, kjer je poskus tudi potekal. Zanimalo nas je, ali bo prišlo do razlik med maso pridelkov testne rastline (Cucurbita maxima L.) po obravnavanjih in ali se bodo koncentracije težkih kovin v tleh in rastlinah zaradi različnih virov vode razlikovale, kar je tudi eden od korakov, da ugotovimo, ali je odpadna prečiščena voda primerna za namakanje. To smo tudi dokazali, saj se je razlika med obravnavanji pri primerjavah povprečnih koncentracij desetih elementov v tleh in rastlinah pokazala samo pri bakru v rastlinah, kjer razlik ne moremo z gotovostjo pripisati viru prečiščene odpadne vode. Ugotovili smo tudi, da lahko zaradi hranil, ki ostanejo v prečiščeni odpadni vodi, zmanjšamo potrebo po dognojevanju.

Keywords:odpadna voda, prečiščena odpadna voda, težke kovine v tleh, težke kovine v rastlinah, komunalne čistilne naprave, namakanje, Hokkaido buče
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[G. Leskovar]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121915 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:38569219 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.11.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Use of differently treated wastewater for irrigation of red kuri squash (Cucurbita maxima L.)
Climate changes, ever more frequent drought, increase in variation of rainfall and overall progress in agriculture results in an ongoing increase in demand for irrigation water. Most of it comes from drinking groundwater with limited reserves, which can already be a problem in some part and season in our country. Because of that we designed an experiment where we us different treated reusable water sources from municipal wastewater; algae-based technology, plant-based wastewater treatment, and anaerobic wastewater treatment in central wastewater treatment plant in Ajdovščina, where we conducted the experiment. We want to find out if there will be any difference in harvest mass based of test plant Red kuri squash (Cucurbita maxima L.) on different treatment and if there will be any differences in concentration of heavy metals in soil and plants because of different water sources we used. That is one of the steps to prove if we can safely use wastewater in irrigation of agricultural plants for human consumption. Out of ten different heavy metals that we analysed in soils and plants, we only found difference in copper concentrations in plants, but we suspect that the difference comes from the increased availability in soil rather than from irrigation with treated wastewater. We didn`t notice any negative effects on plants health and development.

Keywords:Wastewater, treated wastewater, heavy metals in plants, heavy metals in soil, municipal wastewater treatment plants, irrigation, Red Kuri pumpkin

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