
Prikaz anatomskih struktur pri slikanju kolena AP : diplomsko delo
ID Žist, Tomaž (Author), ID Medič, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Starc, Tina (Reviewer)

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Uvod: V diplomski nalogi smo raziskovali vpliv centralnega žarka in položaja kolena na prikaz anatomskih struktur v anteroposteriorni in stranski projekciji. V radiološkem laboratoriju smo slikali fantom kolena v anteroposteriorni in stranski projekciji. Spreminjali smo položaj kolena in potek centralnega žarka in ugotavljali, kako se spreminja vidljivost anatomskih struktur na rentgenski sliki. Izvajali smo premike kolena v zunanji in notranji rotaciji ter s spreminjali smer centralnega žarka v kranialni in kavdalni smeri. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je preveriti vpliv poteka centralnega žarka in položaja kolena na prikaz anatomskih struktur. Metode dela: Meritve smo izvajali na fantomu kolena na Zdravstveni fakulteti v Ljubljani. Naredili smo osnovno anteroposteriorno projekcijo kolena tako, da sta bila medialni in lateralni kondil stegnenice enako oddaljena od preiskovalne mize in sicer 6,25 cm. Preiskavo smo razdelili na dva dela, v prvem delu smo spreminjali položaj kolena v medialno in lateralno smer za 0,25 cm, do oddaljenosti, kondilov stegnenice 3 cm od preiskovalne mize. V drugem delu raziskave se položaj kolena ni spreminjal, spreminjal, se je naklon centralnega žarka v kranialni in kavdalni smeri od pet do 25 stopinj. Pri vsaki ekspoziciji smo spremenili smer naklona za eno stopinjo. Rezultati: Pri spreminjanju položaja kolena v medialno smer smo ugotovili, da pride do distorzije – povečave anatomskih struktur, ki niso bili priležne slikovnemu sprejemniku, prav tako je prišlo tudi do prekrivanja anatomskih struktur kolena. Do enakih ugotovitev smo prišli, ko smo spreminjali položaj kolena v lateralni smeri. S spreminjanjem rotacije kolena v medialno in lateralno smer, se je spreminjala tudi širina kolenske sklepne špranje, na enem delu je bolj odprta kot na drugem. Pri naklonu centralnega žarka v kranialni in kavdalni smeri, smo ugotovili, da pride s povečevanjem naklona centralnega žarka, do postopne podaljšave anatomskih struktur kolena. Razprava in zaključek: Z diplomskim delo smo ugotovili in dokazali, da je za optimalen prikaz anatomskih struktur potreben pravilen položaj pacienta. V primeru, da pacient ni bil pravilno nastavljen, dobimo asimetrično sliko. Če je koleno pacienta rotirano v medialno smer, dobimo povečavo na lateralnih kondilih stegnenice, z lateralno rotacijo kolena, pa pride do povečave na medialnem kondilu stegnenice. Medialno 45 stopinjsko rotacijo kolena uporabljamo za prikaz proksimalnega dela tibiofibularnega sklepa. Z nagibom centralnega žarka v kavdalni smeri, dobro prikažemo interkondilarno kotanjo, z malo podaljšave.

Keywords:diplomska dela, radiološka tehnologija, slikanje kolena, anatomske strukture kolena, anteroposteriorna projekcija kolena
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Žist]
Number of pages:38 str., [19] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121905 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:36558083 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.11.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Presentation of anatomical structures of the knee on AP : diploma work
Introduction: In the research work under diploma thesis we investigated the influence of different central beam courses and different positioning of the knee on the representation of anatomical structures in the anteroposterior and lateral projection. We made X-ray of the knee phantom in laboratory. By changing positions of the knee and the courses of the central beam, we determined how it affects the visibility of anatomical structures on the X-ray image. We performed knee movements in external and internal rotation. We changed the direction of the central beam in the cranial and caudal directions. Purpose: The purpose of the research analysis is to check the influence of the courses of the central beam and the positioning of the knee on the display of anatomical structures. Methods: Measurements were performed on a phantom knee at the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana. We did the basic anteroposterior projection of the knee, so that they were of the medial and lateral condyle of the femur from the examination table, namely 6,25 cm. The examination was divided into two parts. In the first part, we changed the position of the knee in the medial and lateral direction by 0,25 cm. We continued until we reached a distance of 3 cm from the examination table. In the second part, the positioning of the knee has not changed. We changed the inclination of the central beam in the cranial and caudal directions from five to 25 degrees. At each exposure, we changed the direction of inclination by one degree. Results: By changing positions of the knee in the medial direction, a distortion was found - an increase in anatomical structures that is not close to the image receiver. There is also an overlap of the anatomical structures of the knee. Same conclusions were obtained by changing the position of the knee in the lateral direction. By rotating the knee in the medial and lateral direction, the width of the knee joint fissure also changed, asymmetry could be observed on X-ray. By inclination of the central beam, there is determined gradual elongation of the anatomical structures of the knee. Discussion and conclusion: We conclude the for optimal X-ray analysis the patient positioning is of critical importance. If the patient's knee is rotated in the medial direction, magnification is obtained on the lateral condyles of the femur, and lateral rotation of the knee results in magnification on the medial condyle of the femur. In the caudal direction, intercondylar cavity is seen as well, with little extensions.

Keywords:diploma theses, radiologic technology, knee imaging, anatomical structures of the knee, anteroposterior projection of the knee

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