
Vloga logopeda in surdopedagoga ter kvaliteta življenja oseb v domovih za starejše
ID Pražen, Tanita (Author), ID Kogovšek, Damjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Novšak Brce, Jerneja (Comentor)

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Mnogo oseb, ki živijo v domovih za starejše, se sooča s komunikacijskimi težavami ali disfagijo. Te so posledica različnih zdravstvenih težav, kot so možganska kap, možganska poškodba, Parkinsonova bolezen, demenca, okvara sluha, rak glave in vratu. Že same starostne spremembe zaradi atrofije mišic, zmanjšanega delovanja organskih sistemov in sprememb v živčnem sistemu vplivajo tudi na področje komunikacije. V domovih za starejše občane za zdravstveno nego stanovalcev skrbijo zdravstveni tehniki ter bolničarji negovalci, zaposleni so tudi socialni delavci, fizioterapevti in delovni terapevti. Poleg dobrega fizičnega zdravja na kvaliteto življenja posameznika močno vplivajo njegovo prijetno počutje, dobri socialni odnosi in samopodoba. Če oseba ni zmožna sporočiti svojih potreb in želja, se sporazumevati s svojci ali se sama ustrezno in varno prehranjevati, to vpliva na kakovost njenega življenja. Logoped in surdopedagog je tisti strokovnjak, ki poskuša pri osebi ponovno vzpostaviti funkcionalno komunikacijo in varno požiranje. V različnih državah po svetu imajo v domovih za starejše zaposlene logopede, vedno bolj se poudarja tudi pomembnost logopeda v timu paliativne oskrbe. A v Sloveniji vloga logopeda in surdopedagoga v domovih za starejše še ni kaj dosti raziskana, čeprav število starejših oseb narašča. Z izvedeno kvalitativno raziskavo smo ugotavljali, ali bi logoped in surdopedagog lahko doprinesel k izboljšanju kvalitete življenja stanovalcev v domovih za starejše in skušali opredeliti njegovo vlogo. Opravljenih je bilo sedem polstrukturiranih intervjujev v petih različnih domovih za starejše. Intervjuji so bili narejeni z vodjami nege in oskrbe ter zdravstvenimi tehniki. Raziskava je pokazala, da ima veliko stanovalcev v domovih za starejše težave na področju komunikacijskih težav, motenj požiranja in okvar sluha. Posledice teh težav pa vplivajo na vse dimenzije kvalitete življenja, predvsem pa na posameznikovo psihično zdravje, neodvisnost in družbene odnose. Sogovorniki v vseh intervjujih so povedali, da bi logoped lahko bil zaposlen v domu za starejše, vsi razen enega so izrazili mnenje, da bi ga v domu res potrebovali. S svojim znanjem bi pomagal izboljšati kvaliteto življenja stanovalcev v domovih za starejše, hkrati pa tudi nudil oporo ostalim zaposlenim v domu ter svojcem stanovalcev. Njegovo najpomembnejšo vlogo zaposleni vidijo predvsem pri pomoči stanovalcem s težavami v govoru in komunikaciji.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121880 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:35498243 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.11.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The role of speech and language therapist-teacher of the deaf and the quality of life of people in nursing homes
Numerous nursing home residents experience difficulties in communication or swallowing, which have occurred due to various health issues such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson's disease, dementia, hearing impairment, and head and neck cancer. With ageing, the human body undergoes several changes which affect communication, namely muscle atrophy, reduced organ systems functions and nervous system changes. Nursing home personnel consists of nurses, care assistants, social workers, physiotherapists and occupational therapists. General physical well-being, good social interaction and positive self-image are some of the factors contributing to a person’s quality of life; what may further impair their quality of life is them being unable to express their needs and wishes, communicate with their relatives and feed themself appropriately and safely. Speech and language therapists are experts who attempt to restore a person’s functional communication and safe swallowing. In various countries around the globe, their importance in elderly care has already been recognised, which can be observed in speech and language therapists being employed in nursing homes. The role of speech and language therapist in palliative care team is also beginning to be recognized as important. Despite the increasing number of the elderly in Slovenia, the research done in this domain is still insufficient. The intention of the thesis’ research was to ascertain whether a speech and language therapist could contribute to a better quality of life of nursing home residents and determine their role in this setting. Seven semi-structured interviews with chief nursing officers and nurses have been conducted in five different nursing homes. The results have indicated that a lot of nursing home residents face difficulties in communication, swallowing and hearing; their consequences exert an impact on all dimensions of quality of life, especially psychological well-being, independence and social interaction. All the interviewed nursing homes employees support the idea of a speech and language therapist being employed in nursing homes and six out of seven of them have stated that a speech and language therapist in their facility is solicited since, with the knowledge they possess, they could improve residents' quality of life and offer support and guidance to other employees and residents' relatives. According to the interviewed employees, the most crucial rule attributed to speech and language therapists in nursing homes would be aiding the elderly with speech and communication difficulties.

Keywords:the elderly

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