
Vrednotenje inovativnih fasadnih panelov z zaključnim slojem iz alkalijsko aktiviranih industrijskih in gradbenih odpadkov : magistrsko delo št.: 49/II. ST
ID Frankovič, Ana (Author), ID Košir, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Ducman, Vilma (Comentor)

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V sklopu magistrskega dela smo preiskali fizikalno-mehanske lastnosti, ki določajo obstojnost na novo razvitih fasadnih panelov iz alkalijsko aktiviranih materialov. S pomočjo energijskih simulacij in modeliranja smo primerjali njihov vpliv na notranje toplotno udobje s standardno kontaktno toplotnoizolacijsko fasado (ETICS). Paneli z visoko vsebnostjo industrijskih in gradbenih odpadkov so bili razviti v sklopu mednarodnega projekta H2020 InnoWEE in so sestavljeni iz dveh slojev ekspandiranega polistirena in zaključnega sloja. Zaključni sloj sestavljata vezivo iz alkalijsko aktivirane mešanice metakaolina, elektrofiltrskega pepela in granulirane plavžne žlindre ter agregat iz gradbenih odpadkov (beton, keramika, opeka in malta). Ker so alkalijsko aktivirani proizvodi razmeroma nov material, ki v praksi še ni primerno ovrednoten in za njegovo preizkušanje ni predpisanih standardnih metod, je treba pred uvedbo na trg izvesti obsežna testiranja. Tako smo na fasadnih panelih izvedli naslednje preiskave: vpijanje vode, prepustnost za vodno paro, določanje odtržne trdnosti, določanje gostote, poroznosti in porazdelitve por zaključnega sloja, določanje zmrzlinske odpornosti, določanje odpornosti na zmrzovanje-tajanje ob prisotnosti soli, odpornost na udarce, odpornost na karbonatizacijo, alkalijsko-silikatna reaktivnost in odpornost na sulfate. Na podlagi rezultatov teh preiskav smo podali oceno uporabnosti fasadnih panelov. Prav tako smo s programoma Ubakus in DesignBuilder na enostavnem objektu enodružinske hiše določili vpliv fasadnih panelov na prehod toplote in snovi skozi konstrukcijski sklop zunanje stene ter preverili njihov vpliv na energijsko učinkovitost objekta. Rezultate smo primerjali s klasično kontaktno toplotnoizolacijsko fasado.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, magistrska dela, ST, alkalijsko aktivirani materiali, inovativni fasadni paneli, ocena obstojnosti, energijska učinkovitost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Frankovič]
Number of pages:XVI, 68 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121872 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:38840323 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.11.2020
FRANKOVIČ, Ana, 2020, Vrednotenje inovativnih fasadnih panelov z zaključnim slojem iz alkalijsko aktiviranih industrijskih in gradbenih odpadkov : magistrsko delo št.: 49/II. ST [online]. Master’s thesis. Ljubljana : A. Frankovič. [Accessed 18 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Evaluation of innovative façade panels with a finishing layer of alkaliactivated industrial and construction waste : master thesis no.: 49/II. ST
Within the scope of the master's thesis we investigated the physical and mechanical properties that determine the durability of newly developed façade panels made of alkali-activated materials. Using energy simulations and modelling, we compared their effects on thermal comfort in interiors with a standard contact thermal insulation façade system (ETICS). The panels with a high proportion of industrial and construction waste were developed as part of the international H2020 project InnoWEE and consist of two layers of expanded polystyrene and a finishing layer. The final layer consists of a binder consisting of an alkali-activated mixture of metakaolin, fly ash and granulated blast furnace slag and an aggregate of construction waste (concrete, ceramics, bricks and mortar). As the alkali-activated products are a relatively new material which has not yet been sufficiently evaluated in practise and there are no prescribed standard methods for testing it, it is necessary to carry out extensive testing before placing it on the market. Thus, we have carried out the following tests on façade panels: water absorption, water vapour permeability, determination of the bond strength, determination of the density, porosity and pore distribution of the finishing layer, freeze-thaw behaviour, freeze-thaw resistance in the presence of de-icing salt, impact strength, carbonation resistance, alkali silicate reactivity and sulphate resistance. Based on the results of the tests carried out, we gave an assessment of the usability of the façade panels. We also used the Ubakus and DesignBuilder programs to determine the influence of façade panels on the passage of heat and matter through the structural assembly of the exterior wall on a simple building model (single-family house) and to verify their impact on the energy efficiency of the building. The results obtained were compared with a classic external thermal insulation composite façade system (ETICS).

Keywords:civil engineering, master thesis, alkali-activated materials, innovative façade panels, durability assessment, energy efficiency

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