
Socialne predstave vodij manjših podjetij o kariernih začetnikih : magistrsko delo
ID Rakinić, Kristina (Author), ID Babnik, Katarina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Čebron Lipovec, Uršula (Comentor)

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Vrednote in predstave dela se spreminjajo skladno s spreminjanjem naše družbe in prevladujočih predstav in ideologij. Karierni začetniki so bili izpostavljeni različnim množičnim vplivom (kot so npr. mediji, izobraževanje, starši) in so tako v obdobju odraščanja razvili drugačna pričakovanja in predstave, povezane z delom. S kvalitativno študijo smo želeli izvedeti, katere so prevladujoče socialne predstave vodij manjših podjetij o kariernih začetnikih. V raziskavi je sodelovalo devet vodij. Kot glavne teme o doživljanju kariernih začetnikov so se pokazale: pričakovanje aktivne vloge mentorja, osredotočenost nase, nerealna pričakovanja in dvojen pristop k delu. Prepoznana je bila tudi vloga širših družbenih dejavnikov pri značilnostih kariernih začetnikov (vzgoja in izobraževanja in ekonomska ureditev). Magistrsko delo vsebuje tudi preliminarno raziskavo, kjer so bodoči karierni začetniki (N = 24) odgovorili na pet vinjet, ki so bile oblikovane na podlagi intervjujev z vodjami. Rezultati kažejo na željo bodočih kariernih začetnikov po napredovanju in rasti ter pomembnost denarnih nagrad in spodbud. Raziskava lahko služi kot izhodišče za nadaljnje raziskave o odnosih med vodjami in kariernimi začetniki, prav tako pa njene ugotovitve lahko doprinesejo k zavedanju nekaterih medsebojnih predstav in oblikovanju učinkovitejšega sodelovanja.

Keywords:socialne predstave, vodje, manjša podjetja, karierni začetniki, tematska analiza
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Rakinić]
Number of pages:53 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121795 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:51035907 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.10.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Small Business Leaders' Social Representations of Career Beginners
Work values and perceptions change parallel to the way our society and the prevailing representations and ideologies change. Career beginners are subject to different mass influences (e.g. media, education, parents) and thus develop different expectations and work-related perceptions during adolescence. With a qualitative study we aimed to establish the predominant social representations small business leaders have about career beginners. Nine leaders participated in the study. The main areas with regard to the perception of career beginners proved to be the following: the expectation of an active mentor role, self-centeredness, unrealistic expectations and a dual approach towards work. The influence of broader factors (including education and economic regulation) on today's career beginners was also identified. The master's thesis also contains a preliminary survey in which future career beginners (N = 24) answered five vignettes that were designed based on interviews with leaders. The results show the desire of future career beginners for advancement and growth as well as highlight the importance of monetary rewards and incentives. The study can serve as a starting point for further research on the relationship between leaders and career beginners, while its findings can also contribute to the awareness of some mutual representations and the development of more effective collaborations.

Keywords:social representations, leaders, small businesses, career beginners, thematic analysis

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