
Od razdeljene preteklosti do evropske prihodnosti: pokonfliktna sprava na Zahodnem Balkanu : pokonfliktna sprava na Zahodnem Balkanu
ID Gjorgjievska, Aleksandra (Author), ID Roter, Petra (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Prehod k neodvisnosti in demokraciji po nasilnih konfliktih je težaven proces, saj se države soočajo z izzivom, da premagajo zapuščino preteklosti. Poleg tega imajo številni sodobni konflikti mednarodno razsežnost, države pa morajo reševati tudi meddržavna vprašanja, kot so meddržavni antagonizmi, slabo dvostransko in večstransko sodelovanje in komuniciranje in regionalna nestabilnost. Mednarodni akterji imajo pomembno vlogo pri oblikovanju načinov spravnih procesov, vendar pa sprava ni samo stvar notranjega miru in stabilnosti, temveč se nanaša tudi na dvostranske in večstranske odnose, regionalni mir in stabilnost, meddržavno sodelovanje in institucionalno povezovanje. Kljub prizadevanjem mednarodnih akterjev se številne države še vedno trudijo rešiti dvostranska vprašanja in premagati zapuščino preteklih konfliktov. Magistrska naloga analizira vpliva mednarodnih akterjev v procesu sprave med državami in znotraj njih, in sicer s pomočjo preučevanja preobrazbeno moč Evropske unije na spravne procese na Zahodnem Balkanu. Magistrska naloga pokaže, da imajo mednarodni akterji pomembne vzvode in moč, da države prisilijo, da sprejmejo potrebne politike, reforme in zakone, uspešnost pobud za spravo pa je v veliki meri odvisna prav od podpore in angažiranosti mednarodnih akterjev. Kljub temu je postopek usklajevanja večrazsežnosten in zapleten ter zahteva celovit pristop in sodelovanje vseh zainteresiranih strani. Glavni izzivi za mednarodne akterje na področju pokonfliktne sprave so ohranjanje njihove verodostojnosti, vpliva in vzvodov nad domačimi političnimi akterji.

Keywords:sprava, mednarodni akterji, tranzicijska pravičnost, Evropska unija.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Gjorgjievska]
Number of pages:115 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121772 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:37224707 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.10.2020
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Secondary language

Title:From a divided past to a European future: post-conflict reconciliation in the Western Balkans : magistrsko delo
Transitioning towards independence and democracy after violent conflict is a difficult process, as countries struggle to overcome the legacy of the past in order to achieve reconciliation. Thus, many transitional justice measures emerged as a response to past violations in the aftermath of regime changes, violent conflicts, and historical injustices. Moreover, many contemporary conflicts have an international dimension, and countries are also challenged to resolve inter-state issues that arise, such as inter-state antagonisms, poor bilateral and multilateral cooperation or regional instability. International actors have gained a profound significance in shaping the trajectories of processes of reconciliation, as they have successfully advocated/implemented many judicial and non-judicial measures as a precondition for a lasting peace and reconciliation. However, despite the international actors’ efforts, many countries still struggle to resolve bilateral issues and to overcome the legacies of the past conflicts. This thesis analyzes how international actors influence the process of reconciliation, both between and within countries, through an examination of the transformative power of the European Union on the reconciliation processes in the Western Balkans. The thesis demonstrates that international actors have significant leverage and power to compel countries to adopt the necessary policies, reforms and laws, and that success of the reconciliation initiatives largely depends on the support and engagement of the international actors. Nevertheless, the reconciliation process demands a comprehensive approach and engagement of all stakeholders. The main challenge for international actors in this regard is to maintain their credibility, influence and leverage over domestic political actors.

Keywords:reconciliation, international actors, transitional justice, European Union.

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