
Delo in zaposlovanje beguncev v Sloveniji
ID Vodopivec, Neža (Author), ID Čebron Lipovec, Uršula (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Avtorica se v magistrski nalogi ukvarja z delom in zaposlovanjem v Sloveniji živečih beguncev z zornega kota njihove lastne izkušnje. Besedilo temelji na etnografskem delu v obliki opazovanja z udeležbo in polstrukturiranih intervjujev. Skozi nalogo avtorica empirične podatke iz terenskih zapiskov, intervjujev in neformalnih pogovorov analizira na osnovi teoretskih konceptov. Delo in zaposlovanje sta eden od ključnih vidikov vključevanja beguncev v družbo. Zaradi ambivalentnega odnosa države do priseljevanja se soočajo s formalnimi in neformalnimi ovirami pri vstopu na trg dela. Zavoljo svojega negotovega pravnega in socialnega položaja ter pomanjkanja možnosti in priložnosti so nesorazmerno izpostavljeni izkoriščanju in kršitvam delavskih pravic. Omejujejo pa jih tudi jezikovne in kulturne prepreke, socialna izolacija in diskriminacija. Skozi izkušnje sogovornikov avtorica ugotavlja, da je dostop do dela katalizator, ki olajša druge vidike integracije. Dolgotrajno čakanje na dovoljenje za delo in razrešitev prošnje za azil pa uničujeta psihično in fizično zdravje priseljencev in puščata dolgoročne posledice. Avtorica pokaže, da kljub zakonski podlagi in prizadevanjem raziskovalcev, aktivistov in različnih organizacij enake možnosti pri zaposlovanju ostajajo na deklarativni ravni. Dotakne se tudi posledic ukrepov zaradi epidemije Covid-19 na ekonomsko integracijo sogovornikov.

Keywords:begunci, migranti, delo in zaposlovanje, večplastne ranljivosti, prekarnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121747 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.10.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Work and employment of refugees in Slovenia
The authors' Master Thesis deals with work and employment of refugees living in Slovenia from the perspective of their own experience. It is based on ethnographic work in the form of participant observation and semi-structured interviews. Through the thesis the author analyzes empirical data, based on field notes, interviews and informal converstions, using a theoretical framework Work and employment are one of the key aspects of the integration of refugees into society. As a result of the states' conflicted attitude towards immigration refugees encounter fomal and informal obstacles while attempting to enter the workforce. As a result of their uncertain legal and social position and the lack of options and opportunities, they are disproportionally vulnerable to explotation and workers' rights violations. They are limited also by cultural and language barriers, social isolation and discrimination. Trough interlocutors' experience she shows that acces to work is a catalyst, that facilitates other aspects of integration. Lengthy waiting period for obtaining work permit and asylum process decision is the cause for deterioration of physical and mental health of immigrants which can leave long-lasting consequences. Despite the existance of legal basis and the efforts of researchers, activists and various organistions equal opportunities in employment are not present in practice. The content of the Thesis also adresses the consequences of measures, adopted during Covid-19 epidemic, on economic integration of interlocutors.

Keywords:refugees, migrants, work and employment, layered vulnerability, precarity

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