
Visokoperformančne poizvedbe GraphQL z uporabo mikrostoritev
ID Štromajer, Tim (Author), ID Jurič, Matjaž Branko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Večina mikrostoritev danes med sabo komunicira preko REST storitev. Te dobro služijo svojemu namenu, dokler mikrostoritve ne zahtevajo pogosto spremenljivih in kompleksnejših struktur podatkov. Nekatera večja podjetja so se že odločila za izbiro poizvedovalnega jezika GraphQL, kjer odjemalec pridobi le tiste podatke, ki jih predhodno v poizvedbi deklarativno zahteva. Zaradi tega se med strežnikom in odjemalcem ne pošilja nobenih odvečnih poizvedb ali podatkov. V okviru diplomske naloge smo raziskali načine visokoperformančnega izvajanja poizvedb GraphQL. Med sabo smo primerjali že obstoječe platforme GraphQL Apollo Server, Graphene Python in GraphQL Java. Pokazali smo uporabo predpomnenja in trajnih poizvedb. Izdelali smo primer brezstrežniškega GraphQL APIja, pri čemer smo uporabili tehnologije GraphQL Apollo in Netlify. S pomočjo žetona JWT smo prikazali učinkovite poizvedbe z uporabo avtorizacije.

Keywords:GraphQL, spletne storitve, REST, mikrostoritve
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121680 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:34043907 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.10.2020
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Title:High-performance GraphQL queries using microservices
Most microservices today communicate with each other through REST services. These serve their purpose well, as long as microservices do not require often variable and more complex data structures. Some larger companies have already decided to use the GraphQL query language, where the client obtains only the data that is previously declaratively requested in the query. As a result, no redundant queries or data are sent between the server and the client. As part of the diploma thesis, we investigated the methods of high-performance implementation of GraphQL queries. We compared the existing GraphQL platforms Apollo Server, Graphene Python and GraphQL Java. We demonstrated the use of caching and persistent queries. We created an example of a serverless GraphQL API, using GraphQL Apollo and Netlify technologies. We used JWT token to show efficient queries with the use of authorization.

Keywords:GraphQL, web services, REST, microservices

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